My Time, My Projects: What Time Management Strategy Works for Me?

<p>Everything Starts with a Bird&rsquo;s-eye View. An eagle-eye view!</p> <p>My cats have finally gone to sleep, and now there&rsquo;s peace and quiet.</p> <p>Over a cup of coffee, I jot down in my agenda what I want to achieve for the upcoming day. I use a simple agenda and write with a cheap pen.&nbsp;Filling out the agenda helps me gain a bird&rsquo;s-eye view of the day&rsquo;s planning.</p> <p>I start with a creative phase&hellip; a sort of brainstorming with myself. I put down on paper everything that comes to mind without reservation or critical thoughts. Anything goes! Even thoughts or emotions unrelated to the plan. For me, it&rsquo;s a cleansing moment.</p> <p>Slowly, a vision forms.</p> <p>You know how three cowboys gather a herd of a thousand scattered cattle in the field? They first collect ten and move them from one side of the field to the other.</p> <p>This way, they gather 20, 50, 100 cattle. Continuing, they gather them all into one herd.</p> <p><img alt="Slowly, a vision forms." src="*EoM-rhbhaEJFm-mz8SgnbA.jpeg" style="height:466px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Thoughts work the same way. My decisions for the day slowly take shape. I don&rsquo;t rush anything; each thought comes at its own time. Maybe it&rsquo;s a long list&hellip; maybe not. When I don&rsquo;t know what else to add, I declare the creative phase over and move on to organizing, with a sip of coffee.</p> <p>How do I organize myself?</p> <p>I use what I call &ldquo;mental filters.&rdquo; I have two main categories of projects: important projects and secondary projects.</p> <p>I work on a single important project for about 4 hours in the first part of the day. During that time, I don&rsquo;t answer the phone, I don&rsquo;t interact on social media, and I don&rsquo;t get distracted.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>