Strategy and Tactics are not mutually exclusive things

<p>Part of this is a by-product of running larger companies successfully. As the company size grows, you need to elevate yourself out of the weeds and towards a more long-term view.</p> <p>But another part is the importance of balancing short-term, tactical work with long-term strategic intent.</p> <p>Although the best-performing CEOs spend more time thinking long-term, this was still balanced against other time horizons.</p> <p>Very few CEOs spent more than half their time thinking long-term; the highest performing were those who still had a healthy balance between long, mid and short-term perspectives.</p> <blockquote> <p>Most CEOs know they have to divide their attention among short-, medium-, and long-term perspectives, but the adaptable CEOs spent significantly more of their time &mdash; as much as 50% &mdash; thinking about the long term. Other executives, by contrast, devoted an average of 30% of their time to long-term thinking.</p> </blockquote> <p>If unbalanced, you often see a high-level strategy but nothing connecting it to the day-to-day work.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>