Tag: Racist

I Watched My Black Father Save a Racist Man’s Life

The events of this story took place about 25 years ago in a small breakfast diner just south of Orlando, Florida. I was only seven years old at the time, yet the memories from this experience are as vivid as the ones I can recall from yesterday. We were on our first family holiday at Disneyworld....

Virtual Space v Racist Space

Iam sorry but I knew — past tense — very little about the reason behind the Juneteenth celebrations for 3 days in America. It has increasingly been recognized officially by state governments in recent years, and President Biden signed a bill in 2021 establishing Juneteenth National ...

#23 | Is Ballet Racist?

Throughout the years, ballet has evolved — but how much exactly? I wouldn’t go as far as saying that ballet itself is racist: a plie or a tendu doesn’t discriminate against someone for their colour. Nor would I say that only selected individuals can partake in t...

How to Kill the Racist in the Mirror

Do you and I each have an “inner George Wallace” in us? George Wallace was the 1960s-era Alabama governor who viciously defended segregation. He went so far as to physically block black students from entering the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. It was during his reign that state ...

Is Facebook Racist?

Iposted an ad on Facebook a couple of months ago that was targeted to Black women. A white woman jumped into my comments to tell me I was racist. It was remarkable and unremarkable at the same time. Reverse racism isn’t a real thing, but she didn’t know that. I am a Diversity, ...

Racist memorabilia for sale

It’s not some White Supremacist Super Mart. Its owners are retired college professors who are fascinated by antiquities of all kinds. Their shop runneth with all manner of gimcracks and gewgaws, jewelry, bones, signs, posters, dishes, hides, skulls, firearms, Civil War and World War II artifac...

Yes, You Can Be Racist to White People

Let’s suppose there’s an American you know, and he’s devoured the works of Karl Marx, and is thoroughly convinced that communism is the way to go, that every nation in the world should convert to communism. You could point out that communism has failed in every nation that has i...

How "School Choice" Became a Racist Smoke Screen For White Flight

"School choice" may sound as harmless as a white winter hare to some and possibly empowering to others, but there's actually something much more sinister at play — anti-black racism. The underlying premise behind the national movement to provide vouchers for some studen...

Online Nazis are Spreading Racist Conspiracies Because of a Tunnel in Brooklyn

A few days ago, a video started circulating on social media, depicting an Orthodox Jew emerging from a sewer grate in Brooklyn. The TikTok account that originally shared the video is a Jewish influencer. The video went viral as news reports surfaced showing NYPD getting into a violent brawl with ...

Top 10 Most Racist Presidents

Maybe you forgot that through 1920, after the Democrats nominated a virulently racist candidate for president, James B. Cox, the party’s official platform was intentionally and overtly racist. We’ve had lots of racist presidents. The tough task isn’t finding one. It’s rank...

Schools Must Listen When Black Students Are Traumatized by Racist Content

As I see commercials about actor Richard Thomas (aka, John Boy in “The Waltons”) playing Atticus Finch in yet another stage rendition of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, coming to Milwaukee, I am taken back just five short years ago when my views on this clas...

Trump’s Racist Rhetoric is Even Infecting Canadians

Have you ever heard something so astonishing that you nearly stopped your car in the middle of the street to gawk? I kept my eyes on the road, my attention firmly forward, and tried to process what my passenger had just said. I had been commenting on my most recent trip south, talking about how T...

Hey Nikki, America is Still Racist. Your Party is A Great Example

Iknow a Black immigrant who runs a multi-million dollar company. Most people would think he’s achieved the American dream because he lives in a beautiful home, drives a luxury car, lives in an exclusive neighborhood and is successful financially. Still, every time he hears about unarmed Africa...

Navigating the Conversation: Should I Call Out My Racist Friends?

In today’s diverse and interconnected world, addressing racism is a responsibility that falls on individuals as much as on society at large. This paper explores the complexities and considerations surrounding the decision to call out racist behavior among friends. As we navigate this challengi...

Becoming an Anti-Racist Advocate: A Call to Action for Change

In a world marked by systemic racism and social injustice, the call to be an anti-racist is an imperative for creating a more equitable and inclusive society. Lets explore the concept of anti-racism, providing actionable steps individuals can take to actively challenge and dismantle discriminatory s...

People act like being labelled racist is worse than actually being racist

Being racially abused and denied things due to my ethnicity is one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. It’s not like it’s only happened once either, it happens all the time. But the racists themselves want to take centre stage and act like having their behaviour pointed out...

Anti-Racism Is Becoming Troublingly Racist

You’re supposed to be patient when it takes them 17 minutes to tie their shoelaces. You’re supposed to applaud their migraine-inducing attempts to play the violin. You’re supposed to give your undivided attention as they tell stories that somehow lack a beginning, a middle, an...

Anti-Racism Is Not Enough

I had a racist experience today at one of my most frequented local stores. I won’t give the incident space here because it doesn’t deserve it. I will just say that is was typical racism and white supremacy doing what it always does. White supremacy is extremely predictable, unimaginative...

My traumatic racist experience.

If you have ever wondered why I am so passionate about anti-racism, it is because of living experiences working in the NHS, particularly on non-NHS occasions. I was reflecting on microaggressions I had received over the months and a stranger who works in healthcare commented in writing stating that ...

Grading Can Be Capitalist, Racist, and Exploitative

We love games. Games are fun. Games are engaging. But, what constitutes a game? There is a definable set of rules. There is, more often than not, a clear winner and loser. Frequently, success is predicated on skills, talents, and often, luck. Under these circumstances, we know that if we put ourselv...

How To Catch A Racist

As I grow older, I’ve lost patience in dealing with racists — overt or covert. I’m tired of wasting time getting to know someone only to find out later on down the road that that person is racist. It’s emotionally draining. You know, it’s not always apparent that someon...

Is Facebook Racist?

So fast forward to last week. After building a relationship over the course of nearly two years, I finally interviewed New York Times bestselling author, Resmaa Menakem, for my Mind-Blowing Happiness™ Podcast. You see, I’m not just a DEI speaker, I’m a transformational co...

How the match was won: Zverev speaking up against racist rhetoric; in it for the game and not just a match.

The Civil Disobedience movement in India had its roots in Gandhi’s belief in respect for all people. As a lawyer, Gandhi spoke up against the discrimination of dark-skinned Indians by the ruling white Boers in South Africa. Gandhi experienced discrimination. In 1893, he was ordered to sit in a...

Racist Rants Are Nothing New

During 2020 when the COVID pandemic hit the world and certain political leaders were vocal in blaming China, people of Asian heritage in the United States began to experience more racism. Although there were hate crimes when people were attacked and injured, much of the racism came in the form of ra...

The Actress Who Played Cho Chang Was Told to Deny Racist Attacks

The actress that played Cho Chang in the Harry Potter movies, 33-year-old Katie Leung said in a recent podcast that her publicists told her to deny that she was experiencing racist attacks while the movies were being filmed. On websites for Harry Potter fans, also known as Potterheads people left...

Why We Can’t Allow a Traitor, Racist, Sex Offender on the Ballot

Imagine if being called a traitor was only the third worst thing people said about you. You’d assume that there would be little argument that you probably weren’t an ideal candidate for the most powerful political office in the world. And yet… It’s kind of hard to have...

How Can Anyone Claim This Has Never Been a Racist Country?

Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive," is the phrase that comes to mind after hearing some people repeatedly deny America's legacy of racism. Of course, an English poet, Sir Walter Scott, first used this phrase when writing about betrayal in romance, ...

Dear Racist at Walmart

You’re not the first person I’ve met that thinks the way you do. In fact, you’re not the first one this week and you probably won’t be the last. I’ve been encountering different variations of you most of my life. The thing is, I know what’s wrong with you. Well...

May is AAPI Heritage Month!

Since COVID-19 several racist and discriminatory slurs have been made towards the Asian community. Whether they are of Korean, Chinese, Filipinos, Japanese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese descent, there’s been a huge spike of violence towards them. In January 2021, an 84-year-old man was attacked ...

I Finally Understand White Privilege

Iknow what you’re thinking. Has she been living under a rock? How can she not know what white privilege is? I tend to live obliviously. When a war breaks out or major civil unrest happens, I’m the last to hear about it. It’s not something I’m proud of, I’m just...

I Got Called a Racist at Work

Some days ago, I was talking to a coworker I will call Ken. Ken is Chinese American, though that doesn’t matter, not to me anyway. Up until now, I had assumed we were friends. Despite hailing from conservative Oklahoma, Ken leans hard to the left politically. I didn’t know just how much,...

Recognizing Racist Stereotypes in U.S. Media

I believe it’s important to know how to recognize these stereotypes, principally in order to understand controversies abroad, and to have the ability to criticize the Americanized media we consume in our everyday lives. So  Francisco Izzo  (my consultant on the English langu...

No, “Karen” is not a racist slur

Let’s talk about this “Karen” business. Non-white guys welcome too, but I really want to talk to white people about this. What the hell are you doing? Wait, sorry… Maybe that wasn’t helpful. Let me try again… This might be the wrong way to start, but I&...

Was It a Brawl or a Racist Attack?

On August 5, 2023, a Black security guard was assaulted by a group of White males and one White female after they were asked to remove their boat from a port at a riverfront in Montgomery, Alabama. The personal boat blocked a riverboat tour from docking and unloading its passe...

What to do When Your Favorite Movie is Racist

Aliens is a modern classic, and one of the best sequels of all time. I believe that, truly. James Cameron took a deep space, isolated horror film in Alien and continued the story through the lens of heightened terror, tension and high-octane action. I love this movie. Aliens&nbs...