Dear Racist at Walmart

<p>You&rsquo;re not the first person I&rsquo;ve met that thinks the way you do. In fact, you&rsquo;re not the first one this week and you probably won&rsquo;t be the last. I&rsquo;ve been encountering different variations of you most of my life.</p> <p>The thing is, I know what&rsquo;s wrong with you. Well, for the most part, I do. But I wonder what&rsquo;s wrong with me. Is it my blue eyes and milky white skin? Is it my chubby cheeks and adorable auburn curls? Is it that I&rsquo;m fairly small and look like a sweet, harmless person? It&rsquo;s probably that last one, right? For some reason people find me approachable and want to talk to me, even when I&rsquo;m purposely wearing my resting bitch face. Or, is there something about me that makes you think I&rsquo;m on your &ldquo;team,&rdquo; or whatever it is you call it?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Racist Walmart