Is Facebook Racist?

<p>Iposted an ad on Facebook a couple of months ago that was targeted to Black women. A white woman jumped into my comments to tell me I was racist. It was remarkable and unremarkable at the same time.&nbsp;<strong>Reverse racism isn&rsquo;t a real thing, but she didn&rsquo;t know that.</strong>&nbsp;I am a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) speaker and trainer. My first thought was to educate the woman, and I tried but it was a waste of time. Her goal wasn&rsquo;t to learn. Our exchange made that clear.&nbsp;<strong>There is virtually no education on race and racism in the United States, a country that was built on those very concepts.</strong>&nbsp;We need that education desperately. Our very survival as a nation is at risk.Iposted an ad on Facebook a couple of months ago that was targeted to Black women. A white woman jumped into my comments to tell me I was racist. It was remarkable and unremarkable at the same time.&nbsp;<strong>Reverse racism isn&rsquo;t a real thing, but she didn&rsquo;t know that.</strong>&nbsp;I am a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) speaker and trainer. My first thought was to educate the woman, and I tried but it was a waste of time. Her goal wasn&rsquo;t to learn. Our exchange made that clear.&nbsp;<strong>There is virtually no education on race and racism in the United States, a country that was built on those very concepts.</strong>&nbsp;We need that education desperately. Our very survival as a nation is at risk.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>