How To Catch A Racist
<p>As I grow older, I’ve lost patience in dealing with racists — overt or covert. I’m tired of wasting time getting to know someone only to find out later on down the road that that person is racist. It’s emotionally draining. You know, it’s not always apparent that someone is racist — you sometimes only find out at a turn in a conversation, or after hearing their views in response to the Harry/Meghan interview, or their perspective on Derek Chauvin — the cop that murdered George Floyd. Sometimes it is weeks, months, or even years into a relationship before you’ll know. Some people are even married to racists and only realize years into the relationship.</p>
<p>I’ve devised a few effective ways in which to unmask racists within hours, days, or months of meeting them. These recommendations will help you save a lot of time and ensure you don’t invest emotionally in someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart — someone who doesn’t truly respect and value you.</p>
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