Anti-Racism Is Not Enough

<p>I had a racist experience today at one of my most frequented local stores. I won&rsquo;t give the incident space here because it doesn&rsquo;t deserve it. I will just say that is was typical racism and white supremacy doing what it always does. White supremacy is extremely predictable, unimaginative even. It is so illogical and idiotic it would be comical if it weren&rsquo;t violent.</p> <p>The work of liberation is not just about anti-racism or anti-white supremacy. Yes, these things are important but liberation requires elevation.</p> <p>Liberatory work requires an elevation far beyond the dimensions of white supremacy. If anti-racism is centered in our liberatory work we will miss a great opportunity to realize the power and elevation that liberation can bring.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>