Tag: Men

The Consequences of Saying No: Why Women Need to “Lead Men On”

I recently watched a video in which a woman described a horrific encounter with a man. She explained the man wanted her number and she said no. The man then picked up a brick and hit her before escaping into a car. She was in a crowd of people and no one made a move to assist her. The m...

4 Reasons Why Men Should Be Feminists

I get why so many men want to stay clear of feminism. You might think that feminists don’t care about men, or when they do, it’s mainly to lift their moods by beating us up. The way many of them talk to us certainly doesn’t make feminism seem very appealing. And y...

Thailand’s Songkran Survival Guide for Gay Men

Okay, listen up. If you’re a guy who likes guys and you’ve ever fantasized about getting drenched — no, not in that way, you dirty mind, I’m talking about water — then you’ve probably considered going to Thailand for Songkran. And why not? It’s the perfect b...

Of Clusters and Men

Technology challenges mother nature every day but you can’t take on the forces of nature blindly. One of these powerful forces of nature is clusters. In 1890, Alfred Marshall first defined clusters as a “concentration of specialized industries in particular localities.” Think...

No poultry for old men

People age, some of us, don’t do it gracefully. Some of us do a shitty job at aging. Some of us, hope not me of us, won’t get to really age at all. But, due to healthcare and health conscience, most people will get to age and, as time passes, older people will fill the worksites, because...

“All Short Men Should Die!”

Imagine if, before we were born, there was a court that allowed us to choose the physical traits we would inherit based on our previous lives or perhaps through a raffle system. If you had the opportunity to bid on certain traits, what would you choose? Would you prioritize ...

Why Do Women Leave Good Men?

There’s something you all don’t know about me. It might surprise you. I have an embarrassing vice. I love reality television. One of my favorite shows is Sister Wives. I started watching it when it debuted in 2010 because — and this won’t surprise you &mdash...

American Men are Angry Men

My brother spent some time at my house over the holidays, and it was… interesting. I love him, and he would be the family member I am closest to in other circumstances. We’re within two years of each other in age. Our personalities mesh well. We like a lot of the same things. By a...

Do All Feminists Hate Men?

The large-scale project involved 6 studies and a total of 10,000 participants from 10 countries, including the U.K., U.S., Italy, Poland, China, India and Japan, among others, querying both men and women, as well as feminists and non-feminists. The researchers studied negative and positive attitu...

How Men Are Growing in Feeling as Women Are Growing in Doing

For centuries, society told a story about women: Women are dumber than men, are only good for having babies, should obey their husbands, and are nothing without one. Your careers, if you have one, can relate to the cooking, cleaning and child-rearing you do at home. If we let women run a countr...

Why Half of Men Think They Could Safely Land a Plane in an Emergency

If you were asked to safely land a passenger aeroplane in an emergency situation, relying only on the assistance of air traffic control, do you feel confident you could do it? I’m positively certain I could not. But if you think you could manage it, you’re hardly alo...

Stop Telling Women to Shoot Men

“That guy just needs a good killin’,” was a refrain the men of my family constantly repeated. Every time any sort of violent crime came on the news, whether it was an assault, a rape, a robbery, or a murder, my grandfathers, uncles, father, and their friends always lamented, &ld...

5 ways to Focus on Yourself: Decentering Men

Are you constantly thinking about men or a specific man? Many women are guilty of over-romanticizing men and their actions and seem to be in a constant search for Prince Charming. As beautiful as partnership can be, men and relationships often serve as distractions. Women often seek romance ...

Claudine Gay, Ex-President of Harvard: A Hit Job By Three White Men

Three white mice. They are not blind mice. They are certainly not blind to race. They are men who look in the mirror each day and smile, knowing they are masters of the universe because of what they see in the mirror: a white face. Claudine Gay, a Black woman, resigned as President of Harvard aft...

A Tale of Three Young Men

The above photo was taken in the fall of 1972. From right to left, the three young men in the forefront are Ronald Judy, Brian Herron, and myself, William Spivey. We were very sensitive about being called young men and not boys, which was often used as a term of disrespect. The event was a football ...

Sorry, Black Women Are Not Marrying Poor Men

I listened to a Twitter space on my way home from the gym. They talked about how Black girls shouldn’t be insecure about making more money than their spouses. Ughhhh. I need to get this out of my system. I’ve seen this all over Twitter (X), particularly in Black spaces. There&rs...

Honest Talk About Cis Gay Men Who Aren’t Attracted to Trans Men

In an LGBTQ+ Facebook group, a cis gay man declared, “I respect trans people’s identities. But if a trans man comes for a hookup, and he pulls down his pants, I won’t be interested.” A trans female friend, Lyra, was the admin of the group. She was mad and deleted his post....

Are Men Scared of Reproductive Justice?

It certainly seems that as women gain more independence and power in society, policies and movements occur to threaten this liberty and autonomy. For instance, Roe V Wade (something that was upheld for more than half a century) was overturned in the states in 2022. This is just a singular example of...

Feminism and Men: Let’s get back to the basics

A quick surface level google of feminism will give a definition along the lines of advocating for women’s rights and equality between the sexes. The history of feminism dates back to medieval times, before anyone even thought of the phrase “equality of the sexes”; it was just unthi...

Are Aries Men Jealous? Unraveling Their Possessive Side

In relationships, Aries men are intense and fiercely loyal to their partners. They crave excitement and spontaneity, and can be very romantic and affectionate. However, they can also be prone to jealousy and possessiveness. At their core, Aries men value independence and freedom. They can become ...

Why are White Conservative Men So Angry?

He posited that the media, in particular Fox News, is stirring up anger among its conservative base. This is absolutely the case, just as other media outlets are whipping up liberal hysteria; but the anger had to already exist in some measure for this to be accomplished so incredibly effectively. ...

To All the Asian Men I Never Loved — I’m Sorry

“I’m just not into Asian guys,” I would say flippantly as I dated my way through the rainbow of white, brown, black, and olive-skinned men. “I’m not sure why,” I would say. I may not have known why I didn’t like Asian men, but I did know that my prefer...

Part I : Asian American Men & Dating: How bad is it really?

Weoften take for granted how bad Asian males have it in the dating market in the West, particularly in North America. Many cite the response rates from the OKCupid studies, and also refer to our own subjective personal experiences. And it’s understandable why they would reference these statist...

Black Men and Biden: What’s Going On?

I’m not writing this to blame Black men for the election results if Biden loses the election this year. Young voters, Black voters in general, Hispanic voters, and people of color are all groups saying they won’t be supporting Biden in November’s election for va...

Of Mouse Pads and Men Redux

Who comes from Reserve, Lousiana, a keyboard player Who played for Otis Redding and Etta James Throughout the US. He lives nearby the big plastic plant Called Denka Spewing chloroprene that causes cancer into the air Website

Why Middle-Aged White Men Fail to Recognize Their Privilege

The implicit message in the first two statements is that the playing field is level — unless one is extremely affluent (which is a product of white privilege too — lacking affluence, however, is not the absence of privilege). The implicit message in the third statement is that the pla...

Does Testosterone Actually Promote Aggression and Violence in Men?

Testosterone is a potent hormone with a chequered past. It’s probably most famous for its role as an anabolic steroid in professional sport and bodybuilding, and has been closely associated with aggression and violence (e.g., the infamous ‘roid rage’). This seems to ma...

Multiplying Men by Hours

It is not a rate like “men per hour” nor the “amount of work done per person per hour”. Rather, the “man-hour” is a unit, used to compare the amount of “work” done by a person working const...

The Real Men in Black: The Legend Behind the Men in Black

The idea that a group of men in suits would walk the streets, erasing the memory of everyone who had discovered the alien presence on Earth, is, to say the least, novel. But the legend behind the real men in black seems to be much denser and finds its origin in the conspiracy theories that, sin...

A Tale Of Two American Men And American Justice

In April 2004, Russell pled guilty to two separate charges of burglary of a dwelling and received two concurrent fifteen-year sentences in Mississippi State Prison. In February 2014, Mr. Russell was released from prison in Mississippi after serving eight years, seven months, and three days. By Oc...

The Top-10 Most Evil Men of the 20th Century — and Cautionary Lessons We Can Draw From Their Success

The 20th century is the most violent century in history. While that century witnessed many great leaders, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela, it had more than its “fair” share of u...

15 Style Tips for Short and Chubby Men

Shopping can be a daunting task, especially when it appears that current trends are unsuitable for short and chubby men. Clothing like cotton lungi or others from the rack can overpower your frame and draw attention to your small stature and weight. It can be tempting to simply find someth...

Agbada: Outfits For Men In 2024/2025.

In the vibrant world of fashion, where styles evolve and trends emerge, Agbada stands as a timeless symbol of elegance and cultural pride. As we step into 2024 and anticipate the trends of 2025, let’s explore the resurgence of Agbada outfits for men, celebrating the rich heritage and contempor...

15 Style Tips for Short and Chubby Men

You can pull off the latest trends with a little effort and a little tinkering with your current wardrobe. Whether you want to give the appearance of height, slimming down, or simply presenting the best version of yourself, here are 15 style tips for short and chubby guys that will have you looking ...

Why Did Colonial Men Wear Wigs?

Wigs were a fashionable trend in colonial America in the 18th century. The full-bottomed peruke, as Louis XIV is seen wearing above with its long flowing curls, was at its most popular in Europe in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, but wigs decreased in size toward the end of the 18th century....