Why are White Conservative Men So Angry?

<p>He posited that the media, in particular Fox News, is stirring up anger among its conservative base. This is absolutely the case, just as other media outlets are whipping up liberal hysteria; but the anger had to already exist in some measure for this to be accomplished so incredibly effectively.</p> <p>Many comments offered the answer that conservative white men were feeling their place of power slipping away from them, and this upset them. While this suggestion certainly has some basis in reality, it does not account for the millions of men who were already disempowered in their personal lives long before our culture wars ballooned to their current proportions. It is an overly simplistic answer which merely reinforces the liberal narrative, and does not account for the complexity and nuance of a massive group of people who collectively possess far more intelligence &mdash; and even sometimes sensitivity &mdash; than they are given credit for.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/virginia-underground/why-are-white-conservative-men-so-angry-d0f575ec40a3"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>