Part I : Asian American Men & Dating: How bad is it really?

<p>Weoften take for granted how bad Asian males have it in the dating market in the West, particularly in North America. Many cite the response rates from the OKCupid studies, and also refer to our own subjective personal experiences. And it&rsquo;s understandable why they would reference these statistics. Many people think that Asian Men have no problems in the dating market , and often when we talk about our experiences, no one listens to us assuming that we are just&nbsp;<em>making stuff up.</em>&nbsp;Are we? The stats don&rsquo;t lie.</p> <p>There is always a vocal minority that continues to bleat that things aren&rsquo;t &ldquo;<em>so bad</em>&rdquo;, that the barriers only exist in our heads, and that we all just need to be &ldquo;<em>more confident&rdquo;/&rdquo;lift more&rdquo;/&rdquo;be more alpha!!</em>&rdquo;. The vocal minority claims that all we need to do is go on a quest of personal improvement , and magically , these dating woes will just magically&nbsp;<strong>disappear</strong>. But let&rsquo;s start by looking at the raw statistics for the interracial dating disparity between Asian men and women, because they don&rsquo;t lie.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Men dating