Tag: Happiness

3 Golden Rules For Mental Happiness

Just come with me. Today, I will let you know about the real happiness. But before diving deep into my personal experience, I will define mental happiness shortly. What is mental happiness? Mental happiness is all about the emotional well-being of your brain. The emotional well-being of your b...

Witnessing Poverty Misaligned My Relationship With Money — And Happiness

A huge roasted pig sprawled across the table with an apple in its smiling mouth, frozen in mockery at my naïveté. I was 6-years-old at the time and it would be years before I ate pork again. Conceptually, I knew where meat came from. But I’d never stood so close to the source. I...

Mastering the Art of Happiness: Take Control of Your Life’s Thermostat

Ever had that “aha” moment when you wake up to a brisk morning and crave a steaming cup of coffee? A few months ago, I had a similar epiphany when I whispered to myself, “I want to be happy.” It felt like that moment when you realize you need that comforting cup of coffee to ...

Luck Is a Construct. Happiness Is Not.

Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Prize near the end of his life as a public relations move. He’d invented dynamite for mining and construction. But people used it as a weapon, killing thousands, and earning him the label, “The Merchant of Death”. There was Alfred Binet, ...

Five Ways to Take Your Happiness Back

Your happiness has been stolen, and it is time to take it back…. let’s begin. We now open a proverbial can of worms, rabbit hole, and portal. From 20 years of researching the intersection of sustainability and happiness, and coaching hundreds of people through to their goals, I have ...

Happiness From Doing Nothing

If you had to read that more than once, I don’t blame you. It’s a confusing line written in Chapter 48 of Tao Te Ching, the 2500-year-old philosophical text from which Taoism draws its foundation. To uncover the meaning behind this quote, we must first explore a concept known as the Tao....

One Secret to Happiness; Learning to Want What You Already Have

The one thought that scares me more than losing my own life is the thought of losing someone close to me. Yet, that is precisely the frightening reality I confronted when my wife of thirty years was diagnosed with a life-threatening heart condition. And it may be one of the best things that ever ...

Unbound Love: Soaring Towards Happiness

No longer entwined, it’s time to soar, Let love learn to fly and be free. Embark on the journey, seek for more, Holding on isn’t weakness, you’ll see. Heartbeats raced, once shattered and pained, In losing, we learn what’s truly dear. Without the courage to risk and g...

Learning the Art of Happiness: Insights from “The Manual for Living

In our relentless pursuit of happiness, we often seek guidance from various sources — self-help books, motivational speakers, or even social media influencers. While these avenues offer valuable advice, there’s something profoundly timeless and universal about the wisdom of ancient phi...

Spreading Happiness in Our Neighborhood!

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived two friends with names, Aryan and Alina. They were known throughout the community for their warm smiles and kind hearts. Every morning, Aryan would tend to his garden, carefully nurturing colorful flowers that would brighten up the entire street. A...

The Day I Accidentally Stumbled Upon Happiness

“Why are some people so much happier than others?” This question didn’t come up in one of my philosophy seminars but, unexpectedly, in Portuguese class. We’d been talking about the pretérito mais-que-perfeito do conjuntivo (the past perfect subjunctive) an...

95% of my happiness is these 5 things, so why am I still hustling?

I was sitting at my laptop in Uluwatu in Bali. I had been there a few months already and I had only been to the beach once in that time. It was fine though because I was working hard on my business and once I had hit my goal of making $10k a month, I would be able to back off and start to really enj...

10 NEW Ways To Make Friends And Guarantee Happiness

This is a satirical, lighthearted look at the world of self improvement and the endless pursuit of happiness and it’s not to be taken seriously. I’m willing to bet you’re tired of those same old repetitive tips on how to be happy. · Wake up at 4am and drink some guava ...

A Quick, Easy Way to Measure Your Happiness Levels

Happy. Happier. Happiest. It’s arguably the most keenly sought goal in the world. When I’ve put the “what do you want from life?” question to my clients, happiness always comes in at the top of the list. Happiness, obviously, means wildly different things to differen...

A Quick, Easy Way to Measure Your Happiness Levels

Happy. Happier. Happiest. It’s arguably the most keenly sought goal in the world. When I’ve put the “what do you want from life?” question to my clients, happiness always comes in at the top of the list. Happiness, obviously, means wildly different things to differen...

3 Life Lessons I Learned This Year on Healing, Growth and Happiness

Birthdays are like pit stops. And life is the long and winding road we drive on. Like pit stops, a birthday is an opportunity to slow down, stop and reassess the direction we’ve been moving towards. Are we still going the right way? Do we still want to continue down this path? How much furt...

Sweeping Paths of Wisdom and Happiness

Here is Mr. Broom. I used to reside in the dirty corners of the streets in a quiet town. In this country of bristles and handles, your humble storyteller will tell you different chapters of adventure, humor, and wisdom. Mr. Broom (Image created through @Leonardo AI) Chapter 1: My Humble Be...

About Happiness. Forget About Do What You Love

As I settle onto the saddle of my spinning bike, I can feel a sense of anticipation fills the room. The room is bathed with soft, dynamic LED light and it’s only half full. From time to time, 1 or 2 attendee will stumble in, in hurried steps. As they edgily screen the room for their bike at...

Letting Go of the Past, Pursuing True Happiness

Inlife, we inevitably encounter setbacks, failures, and pain, often becoming trapped in an attachment to the past that we cannot release. However, it is crucial to understand that nothing is permanent, and by refusing to let go and forgive, we hold ourselves back. This article will share my personal...

5 Stoic Lessons on Happiness I Wish I Knew Sooner

I started blogging in 2015, at 28 years old. It was the start of my writing career, and I had just moved back in with my parents in The Netherlands to save money. Before that, I used to work for an IT research firm in London. I also started various businesses, including a laundry equipment servic...

How To Hack Happiness: Simple Steps to Boost Your Well-Being

In our fast-paced and often stressful world, finding happiness can sometimes feel like a daunting task. However, happiness isn’t an elusive treasure; it’s a state of mind that can be cultivated with intentional actions and habits. In this blog post, we’ll explore simple a...

Money equals happiness ????

Are you also one of those who believe that there will be happiness when there is money? Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash I genuinely wish from the bottom of my heart that every person in the world becomes as wealthy as they desire, just to see if money can truly buy happiness. I belie...

Pursuit of happiness — Pocket FM goes for a reality check

The audio series company undertakes a Happiness Survey to understand the state of affairs, find flaws, learn and fix them to increase happiness quotient across levels Remember Will Smith-starrer biographical drama The Pursuit of Happyness? The 2006 movie was based on the best-selling m&e...

‘Beyond Happiness’: Unlocking the Secrets of Boost Your Leadership by Jenn Lim

The book “Beyond Happiness: Prioritizing Purpose and People for Impact” by Jenn Lim is a game-changing manual in a society that prioritizes profit. Lim, a co-founder of Delivering Happiness and a proponent of positive workplace cultures, examines the enormous effect that authentic leader...

DAO 11: Let’s spread Kawaii’s Anniversary Happiness and earn more rewards!

As we celebrate our 2nd year at Kawaiiverse, every corner is alive with festive excitement. We’re delighted to present the Kawaii Home Makeover event, spotlighting the Hanok Theme. Additionally, to show our gratitude, we’ve sent a bountiful gift box to your in-game ma...

What I learned about happiness in Copenhagen

Joy often seems so simple. I spotted it just yesterday. A little pup was wearing a tuxedo on Halloween. But then in one moment he was gone. And with his departure, so did the joy vanish. But in some parts of the world, joy is a constant. Quite similar to oxygen and gravity, and a newsfeed of t...

Don’t pursue happiness, pursue excitement!

Look at dogs, they are silly animals, aren’t they? They are clumsy, very curious, playful, and not very self-aware (put a dog in front of mirror then wait and see… Dogs are exciting and happy simply because they don’t think about it! To me, being happy is like being an entertai...

101 Zen Stories: Story # 27: The Voice of Happiness — The Voice of a Kind Heart

After the Zen master Bankei died, a blind man who lived near his temple told a friend, “Since I cannot see people’s faces, I judge their character by their voice. When most people congratulate others’ happiness, I hear a hint of envy. When they give condolences for misfortune, I he...

A Simple Change in the Way You Live That Will Bring You Happiness And Security

Ifound that the process of change could only start when my level of suffering reached the point where my life was not worth living any more. I simply had to find a better way of spending my time on this planet. Suffering for me was not physical pain, it was mental and emotional. Looking back I...

Marriage and the ‘Prospect of Happiness’

Historically, given the patriarchal nature of most world cultures, the happy expectations that many brides may have imagined at their wedding fell far short during their marriage — disappointment often began before the honeymoon phase, if there was such a thing. To cope with the lack of attent...

Visualizing Happiness: A Data-Driven Exploration

Hey! I’m Qingyue, an information designer with a passion for data visualization, especially in the field of geospatial systems. Currently, I harness my creativity as a UX/UI designer at Esri, a leading company in the geographical information systems (GIS) industry. When I step away f...

An (Ancient) New Theory of Happiness

What is happiness? It’s a question so simple a 3-year-old would ask it and a question so complex it has kept scientists busy for centuries and philosophers busy for millennia. One answer is offered by the Hedonists. They tell us that the good life is simply a question of feeling good and fe...