Five Ways to Take Your Happiness Back

<p><strong><em>Your happiness has been stolen</em></strong>, and it is time to take it back&hellip;. let&rsquo;s begin.</p> <p>We now open a proverbial can of worms, rabbit hole, and portal. From 20 years of researching the intersection of sustainability and happiness, and coaching hundreds of people through to their goals, I have a lot to offer. I am excited to share for whatever it is worth; let&rsquo;s start with&nbsp;<strong>five tips to support you taking your happiness back.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Stop over investing in shit that doesn&rsquo;t make you happy.</strong></p> <p>You&rsquo;ve done it and see it all the time&hellip; spending too much energy getting the last drop of juice. It could be a relationship you are in, a project, a video game, your phone, a workout fad, or diet. Everything you do eventually reaches a space of diminishing returns&hellip; because we grow, shift, and change. In other words, the happiness we get when we begin something loses its edge over time. Biologists would call this habituation, meaning our little monkey minds are always seeking pleasure until there is none left; others call it spiritual growth, moving beyond. Either way, at some point, your time is better invested in another activity&hellip; maybe even one that better aligns with your interests, heart, and spirit. Take back your happiness by intentionally investing in what makes you happy.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Happiness Ways