What I learned about happiness in Copenhagen

<p>Joy often seems so simple. I spotted it just yesterday. A little pup was wearing a tuxedo on Halloween.</p> <p>But then in one moment he was gone. And with his departure, so did the joy vanish.</p> <p>But in some parts of the world, joy is a constant. Quite similar to oxygen and gravity, and a newsfeed of the next dumb thing Kanye or Elon did. It is so deeply embedded in the foundation of a city or perhaps even a country, that it takes over the rhythm of each day.</p> <p>This is how I felt in Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark. And it truly does not take a genius to see why they have the concept of joy down to a science.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@trisha.saini/what-i-learned-about-happiness-in-copenhagen-51e8a256a441"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>