95% of my happiness is these 5 things, so why am I still hustling?
<p>I was sitting at my laptop in Uluwatu in Bali. I had been there a few months already and I had only been to the beach once in that time. It was fine though because I was working hard on my business and once I had hit my goal of making $10k a month, I would be able to back off and start to really enjoy life.</p>
<p>Fast forward a year, I had smashed my target, reset the goal at $20k then $30k a month and when I hit those as well, I wrote my newest and greatest goal on my whiteboard:</p>
<p><em>I want $10M invested.</em></p>
<p>Once I hit that, then I’ll REALLY be able to enjoy life.”</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:560/1*A5Op6Zj6Dxd7uEpU3S6MqQ.png" style="height:525px; width:700px" /></p>
<p>In actual Bali, miles away from the nearest beach, posing for a photo of me being productive and living that ‘laptop’ lifestyle.</p>
<p>I see this is a lot amongst high achievers. We set goals, hit them, and then set higher goals. It’s like a carrot on a stick, endlessly just out of reach despite our frantic scrambling.</p>
<p>I was lucky enough to have someone call me out on my bullshit. It forced me to reflect and I realized what I already knew — that 95% of my happiness was a handful of things, namely</p>
<p><a href="https://ultrawinning.medium.com/95-of-my-happiness-is-these-5-things-so-why-am-i-still-hustling-5166f30cce05">Read More</a></p>