Tag: employee

Revenue per employee in SaaS

Headcount. The median headcount of these companies at IPO was 855 with the average coming in slightly higher at 1,343. The largest company was McAfee (6,850 employees) and the smallest was Expensify (140). Revenue per head. Rev/head on median was $195k with a range of $19k (SentinelOne)...

The Four Quadrants of Employee Performance

Hiring, retaining and developing talent is a key leadership skill. Without great talent it’s impossible to have a great team. And without a great team, it’s impossible to build a great organization. Hiring, retaining and developing talent is also time consuming, both in amount of...

Damaging Ripple Effects of Employee Turnover

Bill Gates’s profound assertion, “Take our best 20 people away, and I will tell you that Microsoft would become an unimportant company,” resonates with industry leaders across the globe. The scourge of employee turnover goes beyond the mere loss of personnel — it signifies th...

From Employee to Entrepreneur: My Decision to Start a Software Company

Introduction: The journey from being an employee in the software industry to becoming an entrepreneur launching my own software company is akin to embarking on a thrilling odyssey. It’s a voyage filled with challenges, triumphs, and uncharted waters. In this article, I’ll dive deep in...

Discover the Secret Ingredient to Success: Reinventing Your Employee Value Proposition

According to Harvard Business Review, attracting and retaining top talent has become a major challenge for employers. With the rise of the Great Resignation and the increasing demand for remote and flexible work options, organizations are facing the need to rethink their approach to employee at...

Could These Employee Awards Be More Pathetic?

Most companies of a decent size have them. They give them different names, but they are more or less the same idea. They are performance awards, and sometimes managers nominate people on their teams for special recognition (like an Employee of the Month scheme) while others allow anyone to nominate ...

Improving Employee Experiences

If you’re not yet convinced on the business benefits, there are plenty of statistics proving that great employee experience leads to more engaged employees, which leads to happier customers and in turn, heftier bottom lines, all of which can be Googled far quicker than reading this article. Tr...

How are IT companies improving their Employee Productivity?

A worker’s productivity refers to the output produced. The output can be the number of units manufactured, sales closed, or tasks completed during a given time. However, high productivity can not be associated with the success of the business. Employers bring effectiveness and quality into the...

Not all employee surveys are the same!

Employee surveys gained prominence in recent years because they provide valuable information and feedback from collaborators, helping organisations make informed decisions and create a healthier and better working environment. Conducting organisational surveys helps leadership to obtain understan...

Employee Engagement (shorts)

Ever wondered why team engagement varies widely? What sets apart exceptional teams? It’s all about feeling protected or threatened. We’re hardwired for self-preservation — if we sense danger, we react. In a secure environment, teams shine — they’re open, collaborativ...

Employee Burnout: Reasons And Ways To Avoid It

Employee burnout is a highly serious matter that even the WHO (World Health Organization) has classified as a medical syndrome in 2019. You can even check news from October last year that more than four million US workers resigned from their jobs. And one of the reasons behind the “Great Resig...

Unveiling Insights from Amazon Employee Reviews: A Deep Dive into Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling

Introduction In the age of e-commerce giants, understanding employee sentiments can be as crucial as deciphering customer preferences. With vast datasets at our disposal, we stand at the brink of a data-driven revolution. Today, we embark on a journey into the world of Amazon Employee Reviews, ar...

Loud Quitting vs. Quiet Quitting: Unveiling Employee Engagement Challenges

In the ever-evolving landscape of workplace dynamics, employee engagement holds the key to success. But are we truly attuned to the subtle signs of disengagement that often fly under the radar?  Loud Quitting: When employees raise their voices and announce their departure, it’s a cl...

Why You Don‘t See any Change after Employee Surveys

One of my current learnings is the power of why or — in other words — how to foster a sense of purpose and alignment in your employees. I would like to share a specific example with you. Over many years in Human Resources, I have supported and even designed employee surveys...

The 3 Stay Conversations: The best way to improve employee retention

We all want to improve employee retention. The question is how? Our knee-jerk answers to this question can feel opaque. Pay, perks, and promotion opportunities could matter… but to what degree? Employee recognition programs or more social activities could be helpful aspects… or...

Employee Engagement: Perfect Way To Enhance Your Team’s Productivity

Every company organization seeks to increase the engagement of employees. Because participation in this item will aid all employees in enhancing their productivity. And if the productivity of your team members increases, you will be able to meet organizational goals on time. Additionally, em...

Starting a Disability Employee Resource Group (ERG)

Last week, I wrote about how important disability-focused employee resource groups are to creating an environment where employees with disabilities feel comfortable disclosing them and in turn helping others. This week I’m going to describe some steps to take to build or relaunch one. R...

What is Required in the Florida Employee Healthcare Access act?

The Florida Employee Healthcare Access Act is a state law that provides employees in Florida with access to health care benefits. The act sets minimum standards for employer-sponsored health care benefits and is designed to ensure that Florida employees have access to quality, affordable health care...

Why Employee Engagement Surveys are Failing:

Six reasons to start being really skeptical about employee engagement surveys and the scores they generate “We have an engagement score of more than 90%. Why do we need to cater to a minority of malcontents?” I’ve never heard any executive say this directly. But given many...

Rethinking Employee Engagement

The global pandemic brought to surface people strategy related issues that have been simmering for years. In 2020, HBR reported on a global meta-analysis that found about 87% of the workforce could be described as “disengaged”. With this in mind, most organizational psychologists would s...

Great Employee Recognition Ideas That Really Work

Employee recognition refers to all the ways a company expresses gratitude to its staff for their contributions. It can come in a variety of shapes and may or may not demand payment. Employees receive recognition from employers for things like achievements. Real, individualized recognition promo...

The Truth About Employee Engagement

This is the summary of the book with the same title, The Truth About Employee Engagement: A Fable About Addressing the Three Root Causes of Job Misery, by Patrick M. Lencioni. The book talks about what causes miserable job and how managers can help employees to have a fulfilling jo...

Employee Development: Building a CULTURE of Learning!

Employee development is a strategic process of helping people to enhance their skills, knowledge, abilities, and performance in places that they value the most. Many researchers have identified a correlation between an employee’s personal and professional development, and an organization&rs...

Bigger Fish to Fry: How companies fail when they ignore employee engagement.

Once upon a time, there was a company that prided itself on being one of the most successful in its industry. They drove efficiency with the latest technology, enjoyed an extensive market reach through great customer commitment, and were well known as a great place to work. However, as time went on,...

From Employee to Entrepreneur: Navigating the Journey to Your Own Business

Hey there, folks. So, you’re thinking about ditching the 9-to-5 grind and becoming your own boss, huh? Well, before you jump headfirst into the world of entrepreneurship, there are a few things you should know. Trust me, I’ve been there, and it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. E...

8 Communication Hacks I Use To Be More Assertive As a Young Employee

Hate it when you are not taken seriously? When I started working as a 24-year-old woman, I struggled. How to command attention? How not to be dismissed for my size, gender, and lack of wrinkles or gray hair? I’ve learned hacks to be more assertive. To be more influential. Within two year...

Employee Spotlight: Anna Matveev

Welcome back to our Employee Spotlight series, where we highlight members of the Tonkean team who exemplify the unique spirit of our company. This week, we’re spotlighting  Anna Matveev , a full-stack developer and squad leader based in Tel-Aviv who brings an indelibl...

Discover How Employers That Partner With PEOs Offer Better Employee Benefits

One effective method by which big companies retain their workers and attract great talents is by offering competitive and mouth-watering benefits to workers. But with the help of a professional employer organization (PEO), small businesses that do not have a strong HR unit are equally able to d...

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Employee Spotlight

As a certified Asian American Business with USPAACC, we mark Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) this May by celebrating all Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders throughout our country. We recognize the value of diversity as a catalyst for equality and expression. We embrace it, becaus...