Bigger Fish to Fry: How companies fail when they ignore employee engagement.

<p>Once upon a time, there was a company that prided itself on being one of the most successful in its industry. They drove efficiency with the latest technology, enjoyed an extensive market reach through great customer commitment, and were well known as a great place to work. However, as time went on, the firm&rsquo;s focus on the cultural health of its workforce faded. Its beloved People Agenda was sidelined in favor of seemingly more strategic issues including a revolutionary growth strategy and several new product rollouts.</p> <h2>As things changed, the employees felt the difference.</h2> <p>No longer regularly recognized or appreciated, they started looking for new jobs &mdash; and found them. As the company&rsquo;s high turnover rates exploded, the firm faced lagging productivity, declining customer satisfaction scores, and a diminished brand reputation which made it difficult to find qualified new hires. Despite these red flags, the leadership team was committed to its new direction and felt that it was only a matter of time before everything would get back to normal.</p> <p><strong>Leadership believed they had &ldquo;much bigger fish to fry&rdquo; than to worry about those inconsequential &ldquo;people issues.&rdquo;</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>