Not all employee surveys are the same!

<p>Employee surveys gained prominence in recent years because they provide valuable information and feedback from collaborators, helping organisations make informed decisions and create a healthier and better working environment.</p> <p>Conducting organisational surveys helps leadership to obtain understanding of the workforce engagement, satisfaction, mental health risks, and organisational culture, enabling data-inspired decisions, promoting a healthy work environment, improving retention, and enhancing overall organisational performance.</p> <p>But not all surveys are the same, and their results highlight distinct predictors and outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Organisational climate surveys&nbsp;</strong>collect the answers about the aspects of the environment that are consciously perceived by organisational members. It influences workers motivation and, in consequence, affects organisational performance meaning it is imperative to have a good climate in the organisation to achieve results.</p> <p><strong>Engagement surveys</strong>&nbsp;evaluate the amount of commitment and passion of workers about their job. Engaged workers can be described as those who &ldquo;give their best to achieve company goals.&rdquo; and the ones who &ldquo;genuinely commit to the organisation&rsquo;s success and are contagiously passionate about what they are doing&rdquo;. Engagement helps to recognise the influence of emotions alongside with rationality in working life making it a desirable goal to achieve and organisations should be clear in their engagement strategies. Not to forget that managers&rsquo; engagement is a crucial aspect of increased engagement in workers leading to a &ldquo;electricity around engagement&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>