Could These Employee Awards Be More Pathetic?

<p>Most companies of a decent size have them. They give them different names, but they are more or less the same idea. They are performance awards, and sometimes managers nominate people on their teams for special recognition (like an Employee of the Month scheme) while others allow anyone to nominate someone they work with for an award.</p> <p>Similar systems have been in place in just about every IT company I&rsquo;ve worked for. They are a chance for people to call out great work when they see it, and give some attention to the person who went the extra mile, who put in extra effort to make something happen, or is just an all round great person.</p> <h2>The Oscars This Ain&rsquo;t</h2> <p>We&rsquo;re not talking about industry awards such as the steel profession holding a glamorous function where everyone gets dressed up and someone wins a trophy for Best Smelter.</p> <p>No, these employee recognition awards will win you a certificate. Not a real certificate, an electronic one. You can print it out, I guess, but you&rsquo;ll have to buy some fancy paper and hope it doesn&rsquo;t jam your paper tray.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>