Tag: Coding

My Learnings from the 30-Day Coding Challenge

I have made the decision to accelerate my learning by committing to a 30-day coding routine, and here is how it goes so far! As I mentioned in my last article, I will provide a detailed account of what each week of this routine looks like, and I’ll gladly share any insights, learnings, and ...

React Native — Coding Standards & Structure

Coding Standard When it comes to coding standards for React Native, it is important to follow best practices to ensure code readability, maintainability and consistency within your project. While there is no official coding standard for React Native. But, you can adopt widely accepted conventions...

Unlocking the Power of the New C#12: 4 Innovative Ways for Everyday Coding

.NET 8 is coming in November, and Microsoft surprises us with C# 12.0 previews. The following outstanding language version can already be experienced in the 7th iteration. The excitement is already mounting — C# 12.0 is coming! Will there be anything new this time? Listen up, I may have alr...

Some lesser known facts about coding mindset that I have learnt.

Introduction Working as a software engineer, I have learnt many things about coding standards, coding practices, design patterns, pros and cons of programming languages which ultimately forms a “Coding mindset”. Along with technical knowledge having right coding mindset is necess...

Unlocking the Power innovative Ways for Everyday Coding

NET 8 is coming in November, and Microsoft surprises us with C# 12.0 previews. The following outstanding language version can already be experienced in the 7th iteration. The excitement is already mounting — C# 12.0 is coming! Will there be anything new this time? Listen up, I may have alre...

Try Code Llama AI Tool for Coding

Code Llama is an exciting new AI tool for coding that has recently been introduced by Meta. This state-of-the-art large language model (LLM) is designed to assist programmers in writing more robust and well-documented software. With its potential as a productivity and educational tool, Code Llama ai...

Why inclusive language matters in coding

In 2023, our language mirrors our society, echoing our evolving values and attitudes. Nowhere is this more true than in the field of technology, where the language we use to converse with machines can reflect societal norms and ideologies. How is the drive towards inclusivity within our societies...

Calculating the Average of 10 Dice Throws using Python

In the world of programming, tasks often involve dealing with numbers and performing various calculations. One common scenario is when we need to simulate random events and analyze their outcomes. In this article, we will explore a simple yet interesting Python program that calculates the average va...

Android Studio Live Code Templates to Save Your Time Coding

Android Studio (and any other IDE developed by JetBrains) provides multiple handy auto-complete shortcuts to fill the declarations, method calls, etc. Some of them are for the keywords in Kotlin / Android specific. Avoid repeating some actions just because you avoid using the context helper in IDE. ...

Meta is Doing God’s Work: Releases Shockingly-Good Coding Models to the World

Amidst the serious rumors that GPT-4 is losing accuracy in its coding capabilities, as proved by the Universities of Stanford and Berkeley, Meta has announced the release of Code LLaMa, a family of LLMs specialized in code completion. But besides the impressive performance, they have included a s...

A Professional Guide to Starting a Career in Coding

The world of coding is both fascinating and challenging. While learning to code is relatively easy, choosing the right path and mastering a language can be daunting. Drawing from my experience, I spent six months searching for the right direction to begin my coding journey. In this guide, we will ex...

How to handle search API call on text change

In this article, we will learn how we can implement search efficiently in Android. Whenever user search for something in your app, we show a list of suggestions they might be searching for on each txt change. Let’s take an example: In the medium app when we are searching for people, ...

5 Essential Websites to Level Up Your Coding Skills

Are you ready to take your coding skills to the next level? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, these five websites are essential resources that can help you improve your coding prowess and stay ahead in the tech world. 1. **Codecademy  Are you just starting your...

GSoC 2023 with OpenMRS | Coding Week 03

Welcome back to my blog series documenting my journey through the Google Summer of Code program. In this latest update, I’ll be sharing the significant progress I’ve made during the third week of the coding period. Let’s delve into the details! 1. Completing Key SDK Co...

20 Python Scripts with Code to Automate Your Work

Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It provides a vast collection of libraries and modules that make it an excellent choice for automating various tasks. Let’s dive into the world of automation and discover 20 Python scripts that can simplify y...

20 Python Scripts with Code to Automate Your Work

Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It provides a vast collection of libraries and modules that make it an excellent choice for automating various tasks. Let’s dive into the world of automation and discover 20 Python scripts that can simplify y...

Green Software Development: Paving the Way for Sustainable Coding

The environmental impact of software development is frequently ignored in a society that is becoming more and more computerized. Our digital experiences’ servers, data centers, and other hardware produce a sizable amount of carbon emissions. The software development community is adopting a new...

Changes in Go 1.20.

I was asked to look into Golang 1.20 to present the changes, not expecting to find much after the huge release of Go 1.18. Aside from some exciting changes, I’ve also learned about many features that I wasn’t aware of before reading the release notes meticulously. In order to actua...

How I’m Using My MacBook as a Software Engineer in 2023

I’ve written this Medium story to help MacBook users on the intel-based chips to understand the benefits of switching over to Apple Silicon. I primarily use my MacBook for software development, here’s how I’m using my new machine. Hope you’ll find it insightful, ...

Martin Fowler Was Right: Microservices Suck

Andrew Hunt and David Thomas’ “The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master” is by far one of the most popular books among software developers, yet I wonder just how many software engineers actually read the thing. While that’s certainly not the book that goes into the...

Comprehensions And Filter Vs. For and Continue in Julia

Those that have been reading my blog somewhat consistency might recall a short article I wrote a few months ago discussing how I nearly never use traditional for loops when programming Julia. The primary techniques I use to replace these loops are often either mapping or comprehensions. Julia has a ...

Best algo for competitive programming updated list [

Graphs are widely-used mathematical structures visualized by two basic components: nodes and edges. Graph algorithms are used to solve the problems of representing graphs as networks like airline flights, how the Internet is connected, or social network connectivity on Facebook. 2. Dynamic progra...

Coding is creative

It’s highly inventive. You’re making something new that didn’t exist before. Finding novel ways to solve problems. Recombining existing tools in new permutations. Often, I hear developers talk about code as if it’s only logical. They believe the profession is about being f...

Mastering the Art of SQL Interviews: Unlocking the Solutions to Common and Complex Queries

This article presents a collection of intricate SQL interview questions suitable for any software developer interview. A solid grasp of SQL database concepts is an essential skill for every software engineer, carrying significant importance during interviews. In the majority of interview scenarios, ...


In 1991, Guido van Rossum released Python: a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language, interpreted, object-oriented, with dynamic semantics (interpreted by bytecode). This programming language was further developed by the Python Software Foundation. As it is an ...

[Guide] — Setting up a VSCode that’s so good that you work overtime just so you can keep typing

The other day I’m casually scrolling through LinkedIn, minding my own business, when I stumble upon this post. This dude’s showing off his work, and I gotta say, it’s pretty impressive. But then, out of nowhere, this random guy drops a comment saying, ‘Your vscode look unprof...

Find your unfair coding advantage

You don’t need to be great at every developer skill. In fact, you can build a great career with mostly mediocre skills. It also doesn’t matter what other people tell you to do. You don’t need to copy the advice of some guru or the practices of someone you most look up to. The...

Mastering Python — Section 4: (f-string) An efficient and easy-to-read way to format strings in

In Python 3.6 and above, strings prefixed with f or F are known as f-strings (formatted string literals). This is a modern and faster way to format strings compared to using the .format() method or the % operator. In f-strings, you can evaluate expressions ...

The Fallacy of Anecdotal Software Development

Anecdotal software development is defined as an over-reliance on personal experience or opinion when designing and building software. You’ve probably have never heard it put quite this way before, but this is how the majority of people write and develop software. And if you stop to think ab...

Why Spreadsheets Are The Biggest Gateway To Coding

Every once in a while, people wonder “what’s the most popular programming language on the planet?” If you check the recent surveys, usually they’ll say it’s Javascript or Python. But I always argue these surveys are off base. I maintain that if you ...

Breaking into tech in 2022

I’ve spent the last decade or so helping people on their coding journey. Through podcasts, events, talks, social media, I’ve spent most of my career helping people break into tech and become developers. Most of my work has been through content — I communicate with my audience th...

Why You Should Stop Using List Comprehensions in Python

Ok, the title admittedly is a little clickbait; you shouldn’t completely stop using list comprehensions in Python. List comprehensions are very commonly used and are a very Pythonic way to perform a wide range of tasks. Especially in simple applications, they’re defin...

8 Levels of Using Type Hints in Python

Dynamic typing, which means that the type of a variable is determined only during runtime, makes Python flexible and convenient. However, every coin has two sides. Messy typing of variables is usually the root of hidden bugs. Robust programs should be type-safe. Therefore, Python provides the ...

12 Websites You’ll Love As A Developer

Websites are now an essential tool for every business. And if you are a web developer and need to find new material or resources, then this is the place for you. As a developer, it is not easy to find a website that can provide all the resources and information that you need. This article will take ...

Hack to solve coding problems in less than 45 minutes

As a programmer, you are bound to face coding problems on a regular basis. While some may be simple, others may require significant time and effort to solve. Unfortunately, there are situations where you do not have the luxury of time to tackle these coding problems, and you must come up with a s...

Learn Coding 10x Faster

Can you do complex calculations with software? Do you know how to write code and build applications? Do you already have the skills that you will need in your job in 10 years? That’s a trick question, because it is impossible to know what will happen in 10 years. The world is changing faste...

10 Golden Heuristics for Solving a Coding Question in an Interview

In recent years, the process of preparing for coding interviews has become more challenging. With access to huge sets of difficult coding problems and an increasingly competitive interview process, it is no longer enough to simply brush up on key data structures and work through a few practice quest...

Optional in Java

Java introduced the `Optional` class in Java 8 to better handle null references. Optional is a container object that may or may not hold a value. The class then provides methods to operator on the data that it may contain. An Optional can be created for any data type in Java. For primitive data t...

The Problem with Coding Managers

My article about non-coding managers made sense. That article referred to my experience working with a tech manager who simply didn’t code (or do much of anything else, frankly). That isn’t my only poor experience working with managers in my software development career. This...

Why I Prefer Regular Merge Commits Over Squash Commits

“Wow, that’s so cool!” I’ll always remember seeing my first squash commit. When I first joined a large engineering organization with more than 200 members, the squash commits were the first thing I noticed. To me, the consistent use of squash commits across the compa...

Top 10 Coding Habits to Adopt in the Year 2023

. Focusing On Your Basics Nobody wants you to know everything there is to know about coding. But still, being comfortable with the most important concepts and frameworks in use will always be advantageous. As a result, having a stable base is important. Before using the framework, you shoul...

The Core Principles to Become a Great Coder

So, when do you know you’re a good coder? Is it after finishing a bunch of courses or having that computer science degree in hand? Not in my book. Based on my years in the field, being a good coder is about so much more than that. People always wonder, “Which programming language shou...

Don’t Just LeetCode; Follow the Coding Patterns Instead

Coding Interviews are getting harder. To prepare for coding interviews, you will need weeks, if not months of preparation. No one really likes spending that much time preparing for the coding interviews. So is there a smarter solution? First, let’s look at the problem. Anyone pre...

Unlocking the Power of C#12 — 4 Innovative Ways for Everyday Coding

.NET 8 is coming in November, and Microsoft surprises us with C# 12.0 previews. The following outstanding language version can already be experienced in the 7th iteration. The excitement is already mounting — C# 12.0 is coming! Will there be anything new this time? Listen up, I may have alr...

Use safeParseTo function to Type Strongly your TypeScript Code

Adding TypeScript to JavaScript, it is no longer a choice but an obligation to have a robust code. Let me show you how to strongly type your code with the safeParseTo function. Without Using safeParseTo Let’s imagine, we have a function that accept a string/number list. It d...

Embracing the React Challenge

But that’s okay I remember back in January 2017 when React had already released its version 16, and at that time, an opportunity came my way, and it involved payment in dollars. It was like, “Wow, dollars…” A colleague offered me a freelance project that required me...

I made platform for developers to monitor their coding time.

Maintain progress and flow of your coding. My name is Sushant and in this post, I will be going to tell you about my product that I am going to release soon. This product is completely free and especially being developed for programmers like me. For the first month I have been working on a produc...

Angular’s Signal Revolution: Effortless Change Detection Explained — Unveiling the Inner Workings

Angular’s signals bring a host of benefits to the table, one of which is their ability to seamlessly integrate with templates and “automate” change detection. This automation means that a component configured with the OnPush change detection strategy will be rechecked dur...

My Interview Experience: Atlassian (Rejected)

I had started applying for Atlassian to all Senior positions and even tried referral. Normally I would suggest that one should by referral. It is really hard to get the resume selected if we apply through their job portal. My resume got selected after lot of trial through portal. Atlassian folks a...

Pillars of JavaScript 1. Closure

Read the blog, grasp closure’s concept, code in the playground for 10 mins, learn and improve.Ask yourself questions and try to answer on your own and seek help.Happy coding! Pillars of JavaScript: Closure Prototypal inheritance Techie: Oh, interesting! What is Closure?&n...

Stop using return null in React

When working with React, it’s important to understand the implications of the values returned from components. While it may be tempting to use return null to indicate that a component should not render anything, this can actually have unintended consequences. In this post, we&#3...

Don’t use State for React Forms. Use this instead!

Learn how to optimize the performance of react forms by replacing useState with the native feature of JavaScript. Photo by Lautaro Andreani on Unsplash Introduction When it comes to handling forms in react, the most popular approach is to store the input values ...

I don’t maintain my personal coding projects

I keep procrastinating & never touching my personal projects. They’re things I built years ago in many cases. The tech is out of date. Some of my articles from years ago share code samples that are no longer relevant. People have even asked me to update them: Still, I let the ...

Stop Coding before thinking Feat- HOC and Hooks Patterns Frontend System Design, Pt — 2

Coding is not just about making things work; it’s about crafting solutions that stand the test of time and scale gracefully into the future In the previous Blog, we talked about Render props and compound patterns in React, We are going to discuss more patterns to make our code ( life ) ...


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time to setup our environment and start building beautiful websites using Laravel. To run Laravel on your local machine, you’ll be needing the following software/tools, XAMPP (Version > 8.1) Since Laravel is a PHP framework, you need a PHP int...

I Started Coding Seriously in 2020 and Now This Is the Result

Yeah, 2020 was a hard year for almost everyone, some people lost their jobs, and some people left us. But yeah, I utilized that year very well, and thanks to COVID for giving me a break from everything! How Everything Started! I was less aware of YouTube, that it has a ton of excellent videos,...

How to Auth Login with GitHub and Google in a React and Backend App

As programmers, we have probably needed to implement social media login at some point and, this is an increasingly common functionality in today’s applications and websites. Social login allows users to log in to applications or websites using their accounts such as Facebook, Google, Twitte...

Meta is Doing God’s Work: Releases Shockingly-Good Coding Models to the World

Amidst the serious rumors that GPT-4 is losing accuracy in its coding capabilities, as proved by the Universities of Stanford and Berkeley, Meta has announced the release of Code LLaMa, a family of LLMs specialized in code completion. But besides the impressive performance, they have included a s...

The Torn Posters in the Paris Metro (September 2023)

One of the most important words in the French language is la rentrée — the return, as it were, to normalcy. After a few weeks of summer holidays, which French people seem to take very, very seriously, la rentrée marks the start of the academic and working year...

How to Fine-Tune Llama2 for Python Coding on Consumer Hardware

Our previous article covered Llama 2 in detail, presenting the family of Large Language models (LLMs) that Meta introduced recently and made available for the community for research and commercial use. There are variants already designed for specific tasks; for example, Llama2-Chat for chat applicat...

13 Fun Python Scripts

Hello friend, I hope you’re doing well! I’m writing to you today because I am truly passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others learn. If you’ve found my articles to be valuable and they’ve made a positive impact on your life, I would be overjoyed if you could su...

Mastering Python Tuples: A Comprehensive Guide to Efficient Coding

Python is an incredibly versatile and powerful programming language, and one of the reasons for its popularity is its rich set of built-in data structures. Among these, Python tuples stand out as a valuable and often underutilized asset. In this introductory section, we’ll explore why Python t...

Software development is more than just coding

Growing in your career isn’t about writing more code. In fact, you’ll probably write less code as you gain seniority. For newer developers, it’s hard to imagine how you could grow your output beyond just coding more. So, what are senior developers working on when they’re n...

10 Coding Secrets from Best-Selling Programming Books

In our fast-paced world, time is the one thing we never seem to have enough of. With a never-ending list of tasks, responsibilities, and hobbies, books can often feel like a luxury few of us can afford. I get it — I’ve been there too. I know that as much as we’d love to absor...

How I Cracked the Meta Machine Learning Engineering Interview

I recently landed an offer with Meta as Machine Learning Engineer (MLE), gaining a 20% raise in my total compensation relative to my previous job as well as a promotion to a senior role. In this post I’ll outline the interview structure, how I prepared, and practical tips on how to nail the ML...

What I’ve Built After 7 Years Coding a Smart Home

I’ve been working on KAREN (a Spongebob Squarepants reference for the uncultured) for a while now, but I’ve never documented what she actually looks like or how I’ve built her. If you are thinking of having a crack at building your own, I hope this series can be of some help. I&...

Why Experienced Programmers Fail Coding Interviews

A friend of mine recently joined a FAANG company as an engineering manager, and found themselves in the position of recruiting for engineering candidates. We caught up. “Well,” I laughed when they inquired about the possibility of me joining the team, “I’m not sure I&rs...

How to Be a Coding Superhero

Which is why every tech firm needs a coding superhero. Someone to clear the codebase of mistakes others can’t see. A super-human developer who works for the good of all, to make the implementation and maintenance of new features accessible in 2023. This article asks the question. Are y...

30 Day coding challenge — Day 10

how are you doing? The job search is mentally tiring, I know trust me. But I’m sure we will pass this. I’m currently on the Data Engineer portfolio building path. I’m also preparing for AWS Data Analytics — Speciality(previously AWS Big Data Certification) to broaden my ex...

Coding in the Cloud: A Deep Dive into GitHub Codespaces and their Role in Web Development

GitHub Codespaces is a cloud-based development environment offered by GitHub. It enables developers to access, edit, and collaborate on code directly from the browser, using Visual Studio Code, with seamless integration with GitHub repositories. Codespaces simplifies development workflows, making it...

Coding in SwiftUI? Don’t Start Without These 5 Must-Have View Extensions!

SwiftUI offers a hidden gem that often goes overlooked: custom ViewModifiers. This powerful tool enables you to build reusable modifiers that can enhance your SwiftUI Views by seamlessly adding and transforming elements to fit your needs. If you’ve worked with SwiftUI for more than 4 minute...

Coding One of the Best Trading Strategies in TradingView

Simple strategies can be as powerful as complex strategies. This article presents one of my favorite strategies used with the RSI. The RSI Simple Reversal Strategy The RSI is known as the number one technical bounded indicator. With the huge number of techniques and strategies applied on it, o...

Coding the Road Ahead: Self-Driving Cars with JavaScript and AI

In the world of self-driving cars, JavaScript takes on a crucial role as the guide, telling the car how to move and what decisions to make. Imagine it as the brain behind the wheel, using simple instructions to steer, accelerate, and make choices. Just like we follow a map while driving, JavaScript ...

12 Brain Tricks for Boosting Your Coding Skills

Discover the fascinating world of neuroplasticity and how its principles can revolutionize the way software developers learn and improve their skills. Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, offers valuable insights into enhancing learning a...

The Phenomenology of Reading — A Predictive Coding Perspective

Because of the buzz around ChatGPT, I’ve been thinking about its nature as a generative text predictor and how humans might be similar in some ways. Not because biological circuits in our brains mimic the Transformer architecture (as far as I know, they don’t) but because the brain has b...

Training brain-inspired predictive coding models in Python

In this blog post, we first discuss how predictive coding learns. Then, how predictive coding models can be trained using open-source libraries. Finally, we showcase the remarkable flexibility of predictive coding to perform tasks such as classification, image generation, denoising, and image comple...

Machine Learning Coding Problems

Consider only the range [1, K*(b-a+1)] from the values of Q. Among this range, if we divide it into b-a+1 equal parts each of size K, then for any integer in the 1st part i.e. [1, K] we return 1, for 2nd part [K+1, 2K] return 2 and so on. Thus int((Q-1)/K)+1 will return random integer in the rang...