My Learnings from the 30-Day Coding Challenge

<p>I have made the decision to accelerate my learning by committing to a 30-day coding routine, and here is how it goes so far!</p> <p>As I mentioned in my last article, I will provide a detailed account of what each week of this routine looks like, and I&rsquo;ll gladly share any insights, learnings, and challenges with you. If you haven&rsquo;t had the chance to read the article yet, you can find it here:</p> <h2>Daily routine</h2> <p>For me, what works best is to split my weekly goals into daily tasks, and for that, I use a planner notebook that I bought from&nbsp;Amazon.</p> <p>I know this can be a bit pricey when it comes to notebooks, but if you are like me and like writing things down, this won&rsquo;t disappoint. Also, it got some nice stickers that come with it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Coding