8 Levels of Using Type Hints in Python

<p>Dynamic typing, which means that the type of a variable is determined only during runtime, makes Python flexible and convenient.</p> <p>However, every coin has two sides. Messy typing of variables is usually the root of hidden bugs. Robust programs should be type-safe.</p> <p>Therefore, Python provides the typing hint feature since version 3.5.</p> <p>This feature is a good trade-off. It merely provides hints instead of changing Python into a static typing language. But it can make your Python programs:</p> <ul> <li>More readable for other developers</li> <li>Type safer to avoid hard-to-find bugs</li> <li>Provide more information for modern IDEs&rsquo; automatic code completion</li> <li>IDEs&rsquo; can help you check the potential bugs with the help of the type hints</li> </ul> <p>Let&rsquo;s see why it can make your programming life easier.</p> <p>For example, the following function has an argument called data. You know it should be a string. But when you need to use some built-in methods for a string, the IDE (PyCharm in this case) can&rsquo;t give you any clue.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/techtofreedom/8-levels-of-using-type-hints-in-python-a6717e28f8fd">Read More</a></p>