10 Coding Secrets from Best-Selling Programming Books

<p>In our fast-paced world, time is the one thing we never seem to have enough of. With a never-ending list of tasks, responsibilities, and hobbies, books can often feel like a luxury few of us can afford.</p> <p>I get it &mdash; I&rsquo;ve been there too.</p> <p>I know that as much as we&rsquo;d love to absorb every bit of knowledge from these books, the clock is always ticking. That&rsquo;s why I decided to put in the legwork for you.&nbsp;Ok let&rsquo;s dive in!</p> <h1>1. Understand the Problem Before Coding (Inspired by &ldquo;Clean Code&rdquo;)</h1> <p>Robert C. Martin, aka Uncle Bob, doesn&rsquo;t mince words in his epic &ldquo;Clean Code&rdquo;. He metaphorically shakes every programmer by the collar and declares, &ldquo;Understand before you code!&rdquo;</p> <p><strong>Use Cases &mdash;</strong>&nbsp;Project management, software development, client projects, problem-solving, debugging, application design.</p> <p><strong>Key Lesson &mdash;&nbsp;</strong>Don&rsquo;t be that daredevil trying to jump over a canyon before checking its width. Get intimate with the problem first. The only thing worse than solving no problems is solving the wrong one.</p> <p><strong>Top 5 Lessons:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Understand the user&rsquo;s needs.</li> <li>Write a rough plan.</li> <li>Make sure your rubber duck gets it too (Google &lsquo;rubber duck debugging&rsquo;).</li> <li>Sleep on it before you code.</li> <li>Revise, revise, and revise again.</li> </ol> <h1>2. Master Design Patterns (Inspired by &ldquo;Design Patterns&rdquo;)</h1> <p>The Gang of Four book, &ldquo;Design Patterns&rdquo;, is the programming equivalent of the Beatles &mdash; revolutionary and timeless.</p> <p><a href="https://maherz.medium.com/10-coding-secrets-from-best-selling-programming-books-7fc68452379">Read More</a></p>