[Guide] — Setting up a VSCode that’s so good that you work overtime just so you can keep typing

<p>The other day I&rsquo;m casually scrolling through LinkedIn, minding my own business, when I stumble upon this post. This dude&rsquo;s showing off his work, and I gotta say, it&rsquo;s pretty impressive. But then, out of nowhere, this random guy drops a comment saying, &lsquo;Your vscode look unprofessional.&rsquo; Say what? UnPr0FesSi0naL? Seriously?</p> <p>But hey, guess what? The longer you stick around in this industry, the more you realize that plain old VSCode just doesn&rsquo;t cut it. And seriously, who cares about that one dude in the comment section saying your VSCode looks unprofessional? Like, really? In this post, I&rsquo;m gonna show you how to pimp out your IDE and make it the envy of your workplace. Get ready to rock your coding game with some seriously cool VSCode tweaks!</p> <h1><strong>Let&rsquo;s make the VSCode handsome (again)</strong></h1> <h2>The theme</h2> <p>I&rsquo;ve opted for the &lsquo;Dark Modern&rsquo; theme as my personal choice. It strikes a balance between being dark enough to provide a sleek appearance without being overly intense. The color contrast is just right, making it easy on the eyes during those long coding sessions. It&rsquo;s a sophisticated and refined look that adds a touch of elegance to my coding environment.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@quackquackquack/guide-setting-up-a-vscode-thats-so-good-that-you-work-overtime-just-so-you-can-keep-typing-11f85e58ee71">Website</a></p>
Tags: Coding VSCode