Find your unfair coding advantage

<p>You don&rsquo;t need to be great at every developer skill. In fact, you can build a great career with mostly mediocre skills.</p> <p>It also doesn&rsquo;t matter what other people tell you to do. You don&rsquo;t need to copy the advice of some guru or the practices of someone you most look up to.</p> <p>There&rsquo;s a meta lesson to be learned here: Those people got to great skills, careers, relationships, places in life, etc by leaning into their unfair advantages.</p> <p>You should too.</p> <h1>What&rsquo;s an unfair advantage?</h1> <p>The word &ldquo;unfair&rdquo; is kind of misleading in this term. Maybe I should&rsquo;ve called them unique advantages.</p> <p>But they&rsquo;re &ldquo;unfair&rdquo; in the sense that everyone else will have a hard time competing with you on the skills &amp; abilities where you&rsquo;re the strongest.</p> <p>For some developers, their unfair advantage is a deep understanding of code or a highly algorithmic mind.</p> <p>Contrary to popular belief, I&rsquo;d say those developers are in the minority.</p> <p>Others of us &mdash;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;myself included&nbsp;</a>&mdash; have unfair advantages in other parts of our personalities, skills, or past experience. Those other skills, outside of raw coding ability, are also valuable. Sometimes, more valuable than coding skill!</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>