How to Auth Login with GitHub and Google in a React and Backend App

<p>As programmers, we have probably needed to implement social media login at some point and, this is an increasingly common functionality in today&rsquo;s applications and websites.</p> <p>Social login allows users to log in to applications or websites using their accounts such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. This saves users time by not having to create an additional account and password as well as taking advantage of the social network&rsquo;s security measures.</p> <p>For example, if a user has enabled two-step authentication on their Google account, this security will also apply to the application or website they are using.</p> <p>In this tutorial, we will implement Github and Google login in a React application with TypeScript. We will use Vite to create our application and pnpm as package manager.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Coding GitHub web