I don’t maintain my personal coding projects
<p>I keep procrastinating & never touching my personal projects.</p>
<p>They’re things I built years ago in many cases. The tech is out of date. Some of my articles from years ago share code samples that are no longer relevant.</p>
<p>People have even asked me to update them:</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*4MWeZJT-JpefhmUkKW-qFA.png" style="height:137px; width:700px" /></p>
<p>Still, I let the projects languish & don’t feel like updating them.</p>
<p>I don’t have an especially good reason. I know I probably <em>should</em> update them, but it never becomes a priority for me.</p>
<p>Project maintenance is a lot of work! It’ll take me hours to upgrade versions of dependencies & rewrite the code so that it works the same way again.</p>
<p>Experienced developers are probably nodding along in agreement.</p>
<p>Maintenance is not trivial! Here’s the thing — I already learned the lessons I was going to learn from building the projects. Sure, there are other things I could probably learn from maintaining them. I’m just not convinced that the maintenance is worth it.</p>
<p><a href="https://blog.developerpurpose.com/i-dont-maintain-my-personal-coding-projects-ab2f44c0e659">Read More</a></p>