Tag: Wisdom

The Wisdom of a Life-long Education — A Journey of An Astronaut

The first lesson of the book comes in the very beginning when Chris Hadfield mentions how he decided to be an astronaut. It’s during the moon missions. With the first steps of Neil Armstrong on the Moon, Hadfield knew what he want to become. “…It wasn’t destined for me to...

Break Your Chains: The Liberating Power of Defying Conventional Wisdom

Once in a while, we encounter ourselves imprisoned by the stout chains of conventional wisdom, the societal norms we’ve grown to accept as unchallengeable laws. However, on choosing to confront this wisdom, to shatter these shackling chains, an exhilarating force of liberation awaits. Let&rsqu...

Wisdom Answers Pain

i sit with you, dear one in your pain and self-loathing and death thinking know—there is yet life for you even in this pain even in this world one flower one wisp of wind one drop of winter rain open (whispers life) stand still no need to move forward or move backwards ...

My Grandpa Called Today – He Poured Wisdom That Can’t Be Realized From Books

It’s been a while since we last spoke. I heard his voice and smiled to myself. As we let each other know what’s currently up in our lives, I thought to myself: “The older I become, the more I hear myself in my grandfather. He’s me in another time period. The w...

Break Your Chains: The Liberating Power of Defying Conventional Wisdom

Once in a while, we encounter ourselves imprisoned by the stout chains of conventional wisdom, the societal norms we’ve grown to accept as unchallengeable laws. However, on choosing to confront this wisdom, to shatter these shackling chains, an exhilarating force of liberation awaits. Let&rsqu...

Sweeping Paths of Wisdom and Happiness

Here is Mr. Broom. I used to reside in the dirty corners of the streets in a quiet town. In this country of bristles and handles, your humble storyteller will tell you different chapters of adventure, humor, and wisdom. Mr. Broom (Image created through @Leonardo AI) Chapter 1: My Humble Be...

5 Steps to Gain Wisdom

The great thing about wisdom is its timelessness. Whether wisdom is a creation of the divine or man, from thousands of years ago or today, it is always relevant. Let’s look at five steps to gain more wisdom and live a better life. What exactly is wisdom? The meaning of wisdom can vary...

Decades of Daily Wisdom: Inspirational Quotes My Dad Sends Me Every Day

In 2007, my freshman year in college, my dad called to let me know he would be moving to Florida (from New Jersey). He was retiring and beginning his next chapter after starting and running his scrap yard since 1977. Shortly after he moved he began to learn more about using his computer and sendi...

Decades of Daily Wisdom: Inspirational Quotes My Dad Sends Me Every Day

In 2007, my freshman year in college, my dad called to let me know he would be moving to Florida (from New Jersey). He was retiring and beginning his next chapter after starting and running his scrap yard since 1977. Shortly after he moved he began to learn more about using his computer and sendi...

The Key to Wisdom

If you pay attention to the writings of most great philosophers of the past, you will notice they have one trait in common. This single attribute led them to much of the wisdom they have shared with humanity. Read on to learn more about this crucial trait anyone can develop with some effort. T...

Be Yourself! And Other Wisdom From Lives So Far….

Do you ever wish that you could call up the person you were 20 years ago and share of bit of wisdom from your life so far? What would your advice be? We posed that question recently to our PeopleThink followers and networks with some really interesting and insightful results. What I found most inter...

Working with Athena, Greek Goddess of Wisdom

The ancient Greeks viewed Athena as the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, law and justice. This makes her an incredibly powerful deity to work with for any witch wanting guidance in these areas. In this blog post, we will look at why witches should consider working with Athena, how to set up ...

Unpacking the Timeless Wisdom of Socrates: The Power of Knowing You Don’t Know

Some people are under the misconception that they know everything. However, even the wisest of us all, Socrates, questioned his capacity at omniscience. Though Socrates is considered to be the greatest thinker ever, his most famous quote is, "all I know is that I know nothing". What did...

Holy Wisdom: The case for sharing the Hagia Sophia between Christians and Muslims, and why this ancient dispute presents an opportunity for greater peace and understanding

No symbol in the recurring sectarian religious-political conflicts in the Middle East or the Balkans has proved more galvanizing or divisive than Hagia Sophia. The sixth century Eastern Roman cathedral church built on the order of Emperor Justinian (r. 527-565) and hallowed site of the coronation of...

The Ecological Wisdom of the Heart Sutra

The Heart Sutra, known alternatively as the Heart of Transcendental Wisdom, is one of the most profound and widely-studied scriptures of Mahāyāna Buddhism. At its core is the teaching of śūnyatā, a Sanskrit word which roughly translates to ‘emptiness’ in English. No one thin...

Glimpses of Wisdom: The Siberian Wolf’s Philosophical Tale in the Frigid Taiga

In the vast expanses of the frozen taiga, a realm untouched by man’s intrusion, roams a creature that embodies the wisdom of the ages. With its sleek, silver fur and piercing amber eyes, the Siberian Wolf has forged an existence in the harshest of landscapes, teaching us profound life lessons ...

The Buddhist Wisdom That Has Guided My Love Life

To love means to lose. It’s an uncomfortable truth, but this reality helped me see love in a whole new light. I spent much of my undergraduate degree as a member of the Shambhala Buddhist community in my hometown. I started attending meditation sessions to help with the anxieties of life. I...

The Wisdom Teachings of My Cat

Like many of you, I talk to my cat every day. Like a much smaller number of you, I hear my cat talking back. Our conversations are usually of the mundane, everyday sort, with him saying stuff like: “How ya doing? Yeah, whatever, I gotta go take a nap,” “What do ya m...

Shrine of the Times — Part 3. Crazy Wisdom

I just did a search on Google for “Crazy Wisdom,” and a bazillion hits returned as a list of bullshit a mile long. (Hey, that’s Google for everything searched, eh?) That search result list contained books, commentaries, documentaries, websites, photos, and videos of the man I am ta...

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Wellness: Turmeric the Superfood

Turmeric, a vibrant yellow spice derived from the Curcuma longa plant, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and cooking in many parts of the world, especially in India and Southeast Asia. Its active compound, curcumin, is believed to have various health benefits, making it a popular i...

Islamic Wisdom: The Importance of Niyyah ( Intention) in Islam

In a previous article, we explored the concept of intentions and their significant role in our daily lives. We discovered that intentions are the starting point of any action and that our intentions can shape the outcomes we desire. Moreover, we learned that setting clear and sincere intentions can ...

Islamic Wisdom: Awrah / Satr (Intimate parts of Body) Which Speaks the Overall Covered Body & Islamic Dress Code

Hello, Dear Readers and followers, welcome back to my new story, I hope all’s well. Islam is a way of life system that enjoins respect for the purity of life. It ensures the purity of family life as well as the purity of the individual and has teachings that Muslims must follow. One of the tea...

Overcome the Fear of Death with Prophetic Wisdom

The inevitability of death is a universal truth that often triggers fear and anxiety in the hearts of many. However, the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) offer profound insights into facing mortality with courage and spiritual resilience. One such teaching, “Die before you die...

What It’s Like to Get a Wisdom Tooth Out with Just Local Anesthetic

1–23–2008: I can be such a pain-in-the-ass hypochondriac sometimes. But, I’m not the type that goes to the doctor every five minutes. I’m more on the other extreme; I ignore aches and pains, figuring (hoping) they’ll go away on their own. (And, they almost alw...

The Wisdom of Innocence - How Children React To A Wheelchair User

I remember the first time a child approached me with a curious look in the eye. They were staring at my wheelchair as though it were a transformer. Are you a robot? he bluntly asked. No, I’m a cyborg dumbo, I replied. Half man, half machine. He nodded like a wise old man.&nb...

Sunlit Wisdom: Navigating Life’s Lessons Through your Zodiac Sun Sign.

Embarking on the journey of self-discovery through astrology initiates with unraveling the mysteries of your sun sign. Today, we’ll delve into the profound life lessons each zodiac sign’s sun holds. It’s crucial to acknowledge that individual experiences may diverge, given the uniq...

The Whispered Wisdom of Owls

Let me whisk you away on a moonlit journey from my past. It was one of those evenings when the world seemed to glow in hues of silvery magic. I was on an evening stroll through a dense woodland. The trees, ancient sentinels of time, stood tall and imposing. The moonlight filtered through the cano...

Unveiling the Wisdom and Devotion of Rabi’a al-Adawiyya’s Life and Poetry

A teacher of both women and men, she made significant contributions to the development of Sufism, especially when it comes to devotional love. After being freed from slavery, she came to live a free, independent life, beholden to no man or master. As such, she was way ahead of her time. Rabi&rsqu...

Restoring Indigenous Languages and Wisdom

Inevery corner of the world, the languages and knowledge systems of indigenous communities, the very threads that weave their cultural identity and connection to the land, are facing an imminent threat of extinction. These invaluable repositories of ancestral wisdom, encompassing biodiversity, tradi...

Wisdom & Virtue: Classical Christian Schools Against the World

This is a story about a Christian private school in central Texas, which I will refer to by the name Pericles School, but it is really about much more than that. It is about a system of education and the way of thinking that drives it. Pericles School is part of what is known as “Class...

Wisdom Wednesday #3: What is a Star Chart?

A star chart, also known as a star map, is a map of the night sky that astronomers use to identify and locate astronomical objects such as stars, constellations, galaxies and planets. It is a fundamental tool in celestial navigation and has been used since ancient times to aid in the understand...

Beware of Unearned Wisdom

Beware of Unearned Wisdom said the famous Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung. Which I heard recently via the famous modern Canadian version Jordan Petersen when speaking about the potential pitfalls of the psychedelic experience. It was further underlined in the following passage from an incredible bo...

Money Matters: Financial Wisdom for the Digital Age

In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital age, financial management has taken on a new dimension. The traditional norms of handling money are being reshaped by technological advancements, and individuals must adapt to these changes to navigate the complexities of the modern financial world. This...

Religious Wisdom: The Religious Significance of Clothing

Hello, Dear Readers and followers, welcome back to my new story, I hope all’s well. Clothing is one of the most personal topics to discuss even though most people are interested in knowing about different religious perspectives on dress codes. It has always been an important factor in Islam, C...

Islamic Wisdom: Islamic fashion

Fashion is something that we deal with every day of our life. In general, fashion is a term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing and many more. Fashion is something that is always changing and one can find a lot of changes in fashion since its evolution in history. Fashion refe...

5 Things I Would Tell My 25-Year-Old Self-Part 1: Marriage at 25 vs. Wisdom at 64

Putting this into perspective, it’s 1985! Fashion consisted of big hair (sadly, I was never blessed with a flowing mane—rather an insanely curly, fine, and short head of candyfloss) and big shoulder pads (thank you, Dallas). I’m 25, convinced I’ve got life figured out. ...