The Wisdom of Innocence - How Children React To A Wheelchair User

<p>I remember the first time a child approached me with a curious look in the eye. They were staring at my wheelchair as though it were a transformer.</p> <p><em>Are you a robot</em>? he bluntly asked.</p> <p><em>No, I&rsquo;m a cyborg dumbo,</em>&nbsp;I replied.&nbsp;<em>Half man, half machine.</em></p> <p>He nodded like a wise old man.&nbsp;<em>I knew it,</em>&nbsp;he muttered. And then ran off leaving me in the dust. Kids are great, they speak their minds without a filter.</p> <p>The honesty is pretty refreshing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>