Decades of Daily Wisdom: Inspirational Quotes My Dad Sends Me Every Day

<p>In 2007, my freshman year in college, my dad called to let me know he would be moving to Florida (from New Jersey). He was retiring and beginning his next chapter after starting and running his scrap yard since 1977.</p> <p>Shortly after he moved he began to learn more about using his computer and sending emails. Because he was further away from my brother and I he wanted a way to connect with us daily.</p> <h1>Sending Quotes Every Morning</h1> <p>So he began to send quotes via email to us every morning &mdash; and I mean&nbsp;<em>every</em>&nbsp;morning.</p> <p>There have been maybe less than 5 times his email never came through (due to surgery/sickness). I always wake up with the email waiting in my inbox because he gets up early every morning.</p> <p>This daily act became so popular that my dad started bringing the whole family and also friends into it. He emails about 15 people every day with inspirational quotes and stories to start the day.</p> <p>What&rsquo;s very impressive is that he rarely repeats himself. If he does, it&rsquo;s usually because it&rsquo;s such a good quote you have to repeat it.</p> <h2>Below are some of my favorite quotes:</h2> <ul> <li>If you never get off-trail you never discover new landscapes. &mdash; Maxime Lagac&eacute;</li> <li>We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated. &mdash; Maya Angelou</li> <li>Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. &mdash; William Jennings Bryan</li> <li>Anybody can quit. Only a real champion and a person of character and strength can keep going and refuse to give up. &mdash; Sadie Robertson</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Decades Wisdom