5 Things I Would Tell My 25-Year-Old Self-Part 1: Marriage at 25 vs. Wisdom at 64

<p>Putting this into perspective, it&rsquo;s 1985! Fashion consisted of big hair (sadly, I was never blessed with a flowing mane&mdash;rather an insanely curly, fine, and short head of candyfloss) and big shoulder pads (thank you,&nbsp;<em>Dallas</em>). I&rsquo;m 25, convinced I&rsquo;ve got life figured out.</p> <p>At 25, I was the mother of a three-year-old daughter. Don&rsquo;t get me wrong; I absolutely would not change having her for the world, but with the benefit of hindsight, I would probably have waited a few years more (and possibly have chosen a different father). I did say I would be brutally honest in my writing, didn&rsquo;t I?</p> <p>I got married to escape my mother. (To say we had a difficult relationship is putting it mildly.) My husband was undoubtedly the worst choice I could have made for a lifelong partner. I told my parents I would rather move in with him to test the water, but my Dad said he would disown me if I did that! The shame would have been unthinkable, and what would the neighbours think? So marriage it was.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@cpeyoung/5-things-i-would-tell-my-25-year-old-self-part-1-marriage-at-25-vs-wisdom-at-64-6f8055304f61"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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