Wisdom Wednesday #3: What is a Star Chart?

<p>A star chart, also known as a star map, is a map of the night sky that astronomers use&nbsp;<strong>to identify and locate astronomical objects such as stars, constellations, galaxies and planets</strong>. It is a fundamental tool in celestial navigation and has been used since ancient times to aid in the understanding and organization of the cosmos.</p> <p>A star chart represents the positions of the stars as they appear from Earth. The chart is&nbsp;<strong>usually a two-dimensional projection of the celestial sphere</strong>, which is an imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth onto which all celestial bodies are projected.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@beatrice.heinze/wisdom-wednesday-3-what-is-a-star-chart-4e7ceda52853"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>