Wisdom & Virtue: Classical Christian Schools Against the World

<p>This is a story about a Christian private school in central Texas, which I will refer to by the name&nbsp;<em>Pericles School</em>, but it is really about much more than that. It is about a system of education and the way of thinking that drives it.</p> <p>Pericles School is part of what is known as &ldquo;Classical Education,&rdquo; and quaint as that may sound, it&rsquo;s a movement than anyone concerned with education ought to know about. More than being a movement based around pedagogy or educational philosophy, Classical Education is a social movement, and it&rsquo;s one that, to borrow the subtitle from one of its founding texts, wants to &ldquo;sweep the nation.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/interfaith-now/wisdom-virtue-classical-christian-schools-against-the-world-f9cb33ebb48f"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Wisdom Virtue