Tag: Way

You Don’t Have to Keep Living That Way

I just finished watching Painkiller on Netflix. It was very similar to Dopesick and my husband even asked why I was watching it because I already knew the whole story. If you are unaware of either show, they tell the disturbing story of the rise of OxyContin and the twisted Sackl...

The 9-to-5 Flaw and why Async is the way

Ever wondered why we’re so glued to the 9-to-5 work schedule? Are we really thinking this is the best way to be productive? Spoiler alert: It’s not. Let’s get real. A vouchercloud study found that in an 8-hour workday, people are productive for just about 3 hou...

Leading the Way. What I’ve Learned from Managing a Team.

Late last year, I took what was probably the boldest decisions in the last eight years of my professional career. I decided to change jobs. When you put it in black and white, it was an easy decision: better salary, better job level… But when it came to the people I led, it was the toughest d...

How to Fire Someone the Right Way

“I’ll bounce back. I always do from being let go.” These were his last words. And I couldn’t help feeling like this was confirmation I’d made the right decision. How many times had this guy lost his job? It turns out, quite a lot actually. We weren’t the ...

Packer within Terraform: the dirty way

When it comes to automating cloud infrastructure deployments, Infrastructure-As-Code (IaC) tools like Terraform really make the developer’s (or DevOps’s) life easier. Just recall how painful it was to replicate complex architectures without relying on terraform modules or bluep...

After N years I’m finally using Tmux in such an elegant way

I started to use Tmux N years ago. In the beginning, it’s really hard. In fact, during the past N years, I stopped using Tmux for a while and then went back to using it again. This process is repeated several times. Tmux looks like this when I first use it. t...


Buildings consume 41% of U.S. energy and new technologies are necessary to improve window efficiencies. In the U.S. insulating glass industry, H.B. Fuller’s Ködispace 4SG is having a big impact in meeting tough new goals. “We sell in over 40 countries,” says Paul McHale, Di...


Male friendships and overall structure of relationship have been built and viewed through a very narrow scope that operates within a set of unofficial rules or conducts that forces men to appear rigid, frequently downplaying the importance of emotions, denying vulnerability and nonchalant over c...

Where to drink Ginjinha in Lisbon the old fashioned way

If you want to taste Lisbon’s official drink like the locals have been doing it more than a century, we tell you where and how to do it. Ginjinha is what locals call to the Morello cherry liqueur. Morello is a sour cherry and is thought the Portuguese have been drinking liqueur made with it...

Way Down in The Hole

The Hole is a tiny New York City neighborhood that flirts with legend. Partly, that legend lies in its history as a mob dumping ground and we’ll get to that. But visually, it’s unlike anything else you’ll see in the NYC area, too. The Hole squats right on the border of Queens ...

Donating to Charity in a Unique Way

They’re taking applications for next year’s intake of the Board Observership program! The program facilitates a way to donate your most valuable asset — your time. If you’re between the ages of 25 and 40 and based in Sydney or Melbourne you should definitely apply. ...

Getting out of our own way

What if travel were fun? What if it were easy? What if it were reliable? We Torontonians spend a lot of time travelling (our average commute time is almost an hour). And so much of that is spent stuck in traffic whether you’re in a bus or in a car. It doesn’t have to be that way. Toro...

The Most Realistic Way To Become a Millionaire In 5 Years

I’ve been an entrepreneur for over half a decade and became a self-made millionaire at 28 years old. I have the freedom to work from where I want, when I want, and indeed if I want. My business supports my lifestyle, not vice versa. I achieved this by following what I call — The Torto...

A Drastic but Effective Way to Help Protect Your Aging Parent From Fraud

The phone calls were relentless. Some were legal but exploitive: home warranties, medicare advantage, life insurance, magazine subscriptions, political donations, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up buttons. Others were phishing: there’s a problem with your bank account, you’ve wo...

A Practical And Healthy Way To End Poverty

When I was very young (I was 2) my Mom left my Dad because things weren’t healthy. My first memory of her leaving was her staying in this house that had no electricity or hot water. We had to put plywood on the bottom of a bathtub and light a fire under it to take warm baths. She brou...

Living the Buddhist Way: Cultivating Inner Peace and Compassion in Everyday Life

If you are seeking inner peace, wisdom, and compassion in your everyday life, you may find value in exploring the path of Buddhism. Buddhism offers a set of principles and values that can guide you towards a more fulfilling and harmonious existence. By following the teachings of Buddhism, you can cu...

Japanese way of ‘life in a complete harmony and peacefulness’

Anshin (安心) means tranquility or harmony. For example when you had something scared happened to you, and your loved one hugs you and reassures that everything is fine, you feel the stress to melt away. Your body relaxes and you feel tranquility and a sense of “I am safe and everything will...

How AI is transforming legal tech — and DraftWise leads the way

DraftWise is a legal AI platform that uses machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics to automate legal work, such as document drafting, contract analysis, and negotiations. DraftWise enables lawyers to run powerful search queries in their document and knowledge base, and...

History of e-commerce: How logistics and communications paved the way

You might be an everyday online shopper, curious about the backstory of your digital cart. Or perhaps you’re running your own Shopify store, trying to navigate the world of e-commerce. You could even be part of the warehouse crew, ensuring that shoppers get their orders on time. Regardless ...

Learning from “The Covenant and Our Way of Life”

Compared to previous General Synods, there is one theme that is largely absent from the motions proposed for this upcoming one: indigenous Christianity. For many decades, indigenous Anglicans have been on a journey towards self-determination within the Anglican Church of Canada. At the last Gener...

The Death of the Milky Way

It is predicated that this collision will occur 4–5 billion years from now, which raises the question: will the earth survive? Will our sun be destroyed? What will happen to humanity? Well first of all, the chances of our sun colliding with another star, or a chance of literally any Milky Way ...

Why sustainability is the correct way?

Imagine that you go along a path, lost in the deepest, and suddenly you find two ways: one that will lead you to have a better life, quieter, with less burden, accessing to the resources around you without having to sabotage the others living beings near you and without truncating or damaging what i...

Reprogramming: Rejuvenation Nature’s Way

Even if you haven’t come across reprogramming, you are already familiar with its core feature: resetting cellular age to zero. We experience it with every new generation: your body’s cells are direct descendants of your parents’ cells, which were probably a few decades old at conce...

Meditation the Hard Way ! (Energy Release from the Head Nerves)

Initial 10 minutes, we need to sit, and walk ourselves over the memories ! Initially, there might be resistance, our Ego can bring about. Say, When, we try to recall a ‘painful’ memory, which has been storing a lot of Energy. Say, I try to recall a memory, which revolves around an Ins...

What’s the Healthiest Way to Deal With Anger and Upset? Lengthen Your Fuse

Spiritual work like meditation and mindfulness helps us in myriad ways. We do better at our jobs because of improved focus. Ditto for our golf and tennis games. We’re more attentive and in tune with our loved ones because of strengthened presence. There’s another area that doesn&rsquo...

How to Style Yourself the Korean Way

In today’s modern society, fashion is interpreted in many ways. The way that we ware our clothes is based on many factors; our culture, our environment, as well as our interests. To look more fashionable, one might look at other’s styles to gain inspiration for a new look! With that in m...

How to Nail the French R: The Occult Way

You’re trying to master a language. That’s not an easy task. You don’t need people sugarcoating. I believe in a rough baptism of fire. What got you into language learning — your adventurer streak — must be respected. And to appreciate it, I will teach you what no ...

The Chinese way of answering “yes” and “no”

Students who often watch Chinese movies can easily notice that in Chinese, “yes” and “no” are rarely used to answer questions, which seems too written, and replaced by other interesting ways. This article introduces Several ways of “yes” and “no”Chines...