What’s the Healthiest Way to Deal With Anger and Upset? Lengthen Your Fuse

<p>Spiritual work like meditation and mindfulness helps us in myriad ways. We do better at our jobs because of improved focus. Ditto for our golf and tennis games. We&rsquo;re more attentive and in tune with our loved ones because of strengthened presence.</p> <p>There&rsquo;s another area that doesn&rsquo;t get talked about as much, which is dealing with anger and upset.&nbsp;Anger and upset can impact our lives significantly, depending on how we deal with it.</p> <p>How significantly? Respond by exploding in a situation might result in divorce. Respond in another way and you might deepen your relationship. Significant, indeed.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/whats-the-healthiest-way-to-deal-with-anger-and-upset-lengthen-your-fuse-ad04251b462e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Healthiest Way