Meditation the Hard Way ! (Energy Release from the Head Nerves)

<p>Initial 10 minutes, we need to sit, and walk ourselves over the memories !</p> <p>Initially, there might be resistance, our Ego can bring about. Say, When, we try to recall a &lsquo;painful&rsquo; memory, which has been storing a lot of Energy. Say, I try to recall a memory, which revolves around an Insult that I had received from Family and Friends long time back, and I recall that, initially, my Ego start to dance. Ego would open my eyes suddenly, or it could make my hands make some movement, and my body would say, &lsquo;lets not sit in meditation&rsquo; !</p> <p>We may simply ignore it, and keep recalling over the same memory over and over.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hard Way