A Drastic but Effective Way to Help Protect Your Aging Parent From Fraud

<p>The phone calls were relentless. Some were legal but exploitive: home warranties, medicare advantage, life insurance, magazine subscriptions, political donations, I&rsquo;ve fallen and I can&rsquo;t get up buttons. Others were phishing: there&rsquo;s a problem with your bank account, you&rsquo;ve won a prize, correct the information for your credit card. Still more were straight-up theft: pay this overdue bill, you owe taxes, your grandchild needs bail money.</p> <p>What they all had in common was they did not stop. The phone rang multiple times an hour. Clearly, my mom&rsquo;s number had been added to a list somewhere of&nbsp;<em>Seniors Who Answer Their Phones and are Easy Marks.</em></p> <p><a href="https://betterhumans.pub/a-drastic-but-effective-way-to-help-protect-your-aging-parent-from-fraud-4c5cef59489d"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Effective Way