The Death of the Milky Way

<p>It is predicated that this collision will occur 4&ndash;5 billion years from now, which raises the question: will the earth survive? Will our sun be destroyed? What will happen to humanity? Well first of all, the chances of our sun colliding with another star, or a chance of literally any Milky Way star colliding with a star from the Andromeda galaxy is extremely small, because stars are so far away from each other. So its is much more likely that the stars will simply sail past each other. Of course, there is still that very small chance that two stars will collide, however that is more likely to occur near the centers of each galaxy since the center of a galaxy has a greater stellar density. Near the arms of the galaxy, where our sun is located, the stellar density is much lower so the chance of a collision occurring there is next to nothing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Milky Way