Tag: society

Privacy-Is It Still a Thing?

Privacy seems to be becoming more and more of an outdated notion in our paranoid, surveillance cameras everywhere society. How does it affect you personally? Are you willing to sacrifice some of your privacy for security? Many of us live in giant high rises that are like a honeycomb, with people ...

A.I., Tech Revolutions & Society

Itwouldn’t be unreasonable to think that with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney etc., that AI is currently, or about to, completely and utterly change the world. On an almost daily basis we see news headlines forecasting massive job losses, business will n...

Ryuichi Sakamoto Taught Me How to Survive in a Stifling Society

A month or so after the world-renowned composer Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away, an advertisement grabbed my attention on Instagram. It was a photo of him dressed in a tux, his gray hair neatly separated and his piercing eyes staring at the camera behind the tortoiseshell-framed glasses. Across his ...

How to be Existentially Mature in an Infantile Society

Whether you’re mature or not depends, of course, on which standards are being applied. Even in relatively rich, free, technologically developed countries like the United States, the loudest voices promote the standards of maturity that suit their interests. Thus, to be mature in the blue st...

Poverty of the Self in the Opulent Modern Society

The rise of capitalism as the new mode of production in the 17th century brought significant changes to society. One includes assisting in creating and widening two distinctive social classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie or capitalist class possesses the means or resources t...

A.I., Tech Revolutions & Society

Itwouldn’t be unreasonable to think that with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney etc., that AI is currently, or about to, completely and utterly change the world. On an almost daily basis we see news headlines forecasting massive job losses, business will n...

Society is Full of Corruption — We Are Corrupt!

Though I can’t claim myself as the champion of justice, I can safely say society has tarnished its face. We read the bright history of humanity, but do we still have that? Western societies have been seen as the torch bearer of high moral grounds. Is it so? My friends from the West...

When Depression Turns Deadly: Society, Suicide and Transgender People

Like other healthcare professionals, I’m trained to think about the worst-case scenario: What’s the most dangerous thing that could be going on with this person? We also have to think about who’s in front of us, and how likely a given problem is for people like them. The top concer...

The Climate And The Commons: The Case For a Great, Green, Society

Abigail Disney, the grand-niece of Walt Disney, was arrested at East Hampton Town Airport, New York, in July along with 13 other protesters for blocking cars from entering or exiting the parking lot. It was one of eight actions carried out in the exclusive Hamptons resort area. The new breed o...

An idealist’ tips on how to survive the modern society

Modern society is full of noise and imperfections, making it tough for idealists to find their place and be happy about it. If you are confused and feel lost like I once did, maybe there are some tips that I have learned along the way that can help. Ultimate principle: Center the world around ...

Could preserving remote work options help society reach net zero?

Throughout the global pandemic, millions of people were forced to start doing their jobs from their home desks or kitchen tables. It wasn’t easy at first. We had to learn how to navigate Zoom, remember to mute and unmute our microphones, as well as how to effectively communicate in the abse...

Art in Contemporary Society

oday, no one denies the crucial role of art in his everyday life. From the music we listen to and all kinds of books, articles and content we read every day to various paintings hung on the walls, sculptures and constructions that are related to different eras in the cities and movies and theaters w...

Art and Society: How Crises Shape Creative Expression

Crises have a way of exposing the vulnerabilities and strengths of society. They also serve as a fertile ground for artistic expression. T. J. Clark’s observation that “Modernism had two great wishes. It wanted its audience to be led toward a recognition of the social reality of the sign...

The Many Coronas of Ancient Roman Society

The laurel wreath has endured for millennia in the public imagination as one of the defining symbols of ancient Rome. And as I’m sure most of you are aware, it was more than just a fun plant-based accessory or a casual bit of headwear. Not just any Gaius, Marcus, or Lucius could wrap a bunch o...

The Climate Change Panic is Damaging Society.

These are some of the many apocalyptic predictions we hear about climate change. They have a real impact. Already here in the UK, we are seeing children suffering from anxiety regarding climate change. In fact it is now being labelled as “eco-anxiety.” Journalists and activists have a mo...

Whales and Why We Should Care with Jen Kennedy of Blue Ocean Society

Discover the integral role whales play in the marine ecosystem, from being key players in the food chain to their contribution to nutrient cycling. With the backdrop of marine sanctuaries and conservation initiatives, Jen sheds light on her extensive research in tracking these majestic beings, offer...

The Role of Education in Creating a Sustainable Society

Ever wonder how we ended up in this mess? You look around and see a world struggling with climate change, environmental destruction, and social inequities that seem to only be getting worse. But what if education was the key to unlocking a sustainable future? Turns out it is. When people understand ...

Why We Need a Moneyless Society

Have you ever wondered what life would be like without money? Sounds like a plot from a sci-fi movie. But many people love the idea and believe a society without money could be beneficial, and it might just be more than a fantasy. A world without Money First, imagine waking up in a world where...

The Quran and Society

This is the final part of this series. This focuses on community and society as a whole. Thank you for taking the time to read them all. Haroon and I greatly appreciate you. The Qur’an is a timeless scripture that comes from a source outside of time. It is a text that contains “&he...

How Society Forces Autistics to Become Inhibited & Passive

Eric, a Black queer parent in his forties had to spend years looking for a psychiatrist who would even entertain assessing him as Autistic. He knew he wanted the potential legal protections that a diagnosis could afford him, particularly the option to take qualifying exams for graduate school in ...

In the Veins of Society

It's like this is the creature’s song to the rest of the world. He’s misunderstood, judged merely on his appearance which somehow reflects his entirety. It’s not his fault that we choose to judge him. As a society, we’ve been responsible for creating our own monsters. ...

The role of Women in Society Past vs. Present

The role of women in society has undergone a remarkable transformation over the centuries. From traditional societal expectations that confined women to domestic roles, their status and opportunities have expanded significantly in modern times. This article explores the contrasting narratives of wom...

Modern Men Would Absolutely Hate A 50s-Style Society Today

Every other day, I hear a guy younger than me (or my age) bemoan the way life is right now. The biggest gripe I see online is that “women aren’t women anymore,” and that they yearn for a 1950s-style housewife. Too often, we look at the past with rose-tinted glasses, not realizin...

Is Inclusivity and Social Justice Achievable When Society Clings to a "Survival of the Fittest" Mentality?

Recently, someone from my past humorously joked about our supposed competition over things I did not see as competitive. This confused me because my focus has always been on supporting and uplifting others instead of competing. Ironically, while I was support and uplifting others, I often found myse...

Becoming Different: Opening the Door to Gay Society

v There come times when you take stock, checking on what your past portends for your future. I don’t mean like the time you visited New Orleans and felt you’d love to go back. Or if you thought about going into the military after high school? Or you spent years training for the Olympi...

Patriarchal Society is Like a Cancer

Here in the countryside of Germany, there is a summer festival called Schützenfest. It is where the men participate in a shooting competition, and the women are crowned in a court, like your homecoming dance. There was a mini-Schützenfest at River’s daycare a month ago, where the ...

From A Schadenfreude Society to a Compassionate One

Have you ever gone on YouTube to see the live broadcasts displaying the machinery of a courtroom? I have. There is a practice that goes on, and I don’t know why judges allow it. Some judges leave the “live chat” feature on during courtroom proceedings. Worse, I’ve seen jud...

“The Future of Autonomous Vehicles: Revolutionizing Transportation and Society”

Autonomous vehicles have quickly become one of the most revolutionary technologies of the 21st century. From self-driving cars to intelligent transport systems, the application of autonomous vehicles is expanding rapidly. However, the development and widespread adoption of these vehicles r...

The Importance of Autonomy and Freedom of Choice in a Flourishing Society

“To be or not to be “is a famous Shakespeare quote. This quote reminds me of the fundamental right to choose. Autonomy over one’s self is critical to existing in the right and just society. When a person’s freedom of choice is removed, society no longer begins to flourish. No...

The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Philippine Society

The Philippines, a country renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and vibrant cultural variety, is home to several indigenous people. These indigenous groups, also known as “Lumad” in Mindanao, “Katutubo” in Luzon, and “Mangyan” in the Visayas, have had a si...

Will white women make the same mistakes as white men?

White men have come under a lot of criticism over the last few years, and rightly so. But I do feel like they get blamed for everything nowadays as they’re an easy target. If something isn’t working it’s because a white man is in charge, people don’t look into the finer detai...

White Privilege in Modern Society

White privilege refers to the inherent advantages and benefits that white individuals experience in society solely due to their racial identity. It’s a complex and pervasive concept deeply rooted in historical and systemic inequalities. While it doesn’t imply that every white person has ...

“Discovering the Smiles in ‘Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel’

Observation 1: Mix of Science and Society Think of the main character, Elizabeth Zott, as the superhero of science. She’s super smart and does cool science stuff at a time when people didn’t expect girls to be scientists. The story mixes her science adventures with how people thought ...

Julius Caesar and His Impact on Modern Society, why we love him even today

Introduction In the annals of history, few figures loom as large as Julius Caesar, the Roman general, statesman, and dictator. His influence has transcended the boundaries of time, leaving an indelible mark on modern society. Let’s embark on a journey through the life of this iconic figure ...

Why Writers Will Always Be Valuable To Society. Especially In The Age of AI.

The arrival of AI to the world of writing has sparked a wide range of reactions. Some view it as a gimmick, while others view it with outright concern. But there is something we all need to understand: writing, at its core, is about the expression of human thoughts, emotions, and&n...

Strangers in Society, Strangers in Love

I was driving home from work recently, and my brain detected sudden movement. I automatically looked into my rearview mirror and had just a split second to process the driver coming up fast–and I mean at least, if not more than 90 mph fast–on my tail before my car was struck. I was in th...

1920s-present: Kibbe & A Society in Flux

The 1920s was a very prosperous period, America had won WW1, the economy grew by 42%, mass production had spread and consumer goods were widely available. This was a period of opulence and indulgence. The Great Gatsby was published in 1925, right in the middle of the decade and serves as an interest...


One of the fundamental questions we ask ourselves regularly in Polygon8 is; what is the point of what we are creating? We often look at our role as artists and the function of our work, what it means to us, and who it serves. So here I have attempted to tidy up some of our thought processes and make...

The McDonaldization of Society: How the Phenomenon Has Shaped Society

The McDonaldization of society is an intriguing concept that captures the increasing dominance of rationalization in contemporary social life. Originating from sociologist George Ritzer’s seminal work, the term refers to the extension of the principles guiding fast-food chains, particularly Mc...

The Challenges of Being a Skinny Man in a Body-Obsessed Society

The Road to Athens. That’s what I called my 10-month body transformation for my friend’s wedding in the Greek capital. I’d been lifting and eating like a bodybuilder preparing for a show, I smashed personal bests in the gym and I’d eaten enough steak to make Henry VIII blu...