The Climate Change Panic is Damaging Society.

<p>These are some of the many apocalyptic predictions we hear about climate change. They have a real impact. Already here in the UK, we are seeing children suffering from anxiety regarding climate change. In fact it is now being labelled as &ldquo;eco-anxiety.&rdquo; Journalists and activists have a moral duty to explain environmental issues in a fair, honest manner even if it goes against the click-bait culture of creating fear. These categorical claims don&rsquo;t help climate change progression and it only alienates many people. More importantly there is no scientific body which says that climate change threatens the collapse of our civilisation or the human race becoming extinct. These wild climate change claims distract us from current issues that we have a greater ability to fix. As world leaders gather for COP28, we can expect climate change to dominate much of the news cycle for the coming weeks.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>