How to be Existentially Mature in an Infantile Society

<p>Whether you&rsquo;re mature or not depends, of course, on which standards are being applied.</p> <p>Even in relatively rich, free, technologically developed countries like the United States, the loudest voices promote the standards of maturity that suit their interests. Thus, to be mature in the blue states is to be one of those highly educated, morally enlightened (liberal or &ldquo;woke&rdquo;), productive members of society, the kind of consumer that thanks corporations for supplying all those advertised products.</p> <p>We can call this the centrist Democratic, neoliberal sense of maturity or of life&rsquo;s purpose. The idea is that there&rsquo;s a liberal purpose in life, and if you succeed in those terms, you&rsquo;ve matured, and if you haven&rsquo;t, you&rsquo;re dysfunctional or you&rsquo;ve failed to launch.</p> <p>In the red states, though, there are more traditional, blue-collar standards at work. The mature folks there must be religious, and they must be patriots with traditional families. They should love God, country, the military, and their spouse and children.</p> <p>From the red state vantage point, the liberal elites are often failures because they&rsquo;re godless, spoiled snobs. And from the blue state perspective, the conservatives are failures since they&rsquo;re the &ldquo;basket of deplorables&rdquo; who &ldquo;cling to their guns and religion,&rdquo; as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama put it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>