Strangers in Society, Strangers in Love

<p>I was driving home from work recently, and my brain detected sudden movement. I automatically looked into my rearview mirror and had just a split second to process the driver coming up fast&ndash;and I mean at least, if not more than 90 mph fast&ndash;on my tail before my car was struck. I was in the left lane of a major expressway in the suburbs of the 3rd largest city in the United States. It was late afternoon, though not yet serious rush-hour traffic. My car spun to the right, across three lanes of traffic, smashed head-on into the guard rail, bounced off the guard rail, and spun another 180 degrees (so that the rear of the car was now facing the guard rail that the front had just crashed into). At this point, my car had stopped&ndash;all airbags deployed&ndash;and was blocking all three lanes of the expressway. Miraculously, no other cars crashed into me through all this.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>