Modern Men Would Absolutely Hate A 50s-Style Society Today

<p>Every other day, I hear a guy younger than me (or my age) bemoan the way life is right now. The biggest gripe I see online is that &ldquo;women aren&rsquo;t women anymore,&rdquo; and that they yearn for a 1950s-style housewife.</p> <p>Too often, we look at the past with rose-tinted glasses, not realizing that the pink in our lenses drowns out the red flags we see. Such is the case of modern men who often feel like they were robbed of the perfect family, doting wife, and white picket fence.</p> <p>Newsflash: we&nbsp;<em>all&nbsp;</em>were robbed of financial stability and economic independence. That is no one&rsquo;s fault but the corporations and the politicians that enable them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Style society