Privacy-Is It Still a Thing?

<p>Privacy seems to be becoming more and more of an outdated notion in our paranoid, surveillance cameras everywhere society. How does it affect you personally? Are you willing to sacrifice some of your privacy for security?</p> <p>Many of us live in giant high rises that are like a honeycomb, with people above, below, and to either side of us. It is like having invisible roommates.</p> <p>We know when they come home, and when they leave for work. We bump into them on the elevators and pass them in the hallways at all hours of the day and night. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.</p> <p>Are you willing to live your life with so many people watching over your shoulder, noticing every detail of your comings and goings? We are all subject to more pervasive surveillance every time we step outside too.</p> <p>Our smart TVs watch us just as much as we watch them. Our oh-so-handy smartphones diligently record everywhere we travel throughout the day. And every time we enter a store, we are being recorded.</p> <p>We all know this, but most of us just accept it as a necessary evil, a sign of the times. Because unfortunately, that is exactly what it is all about.</p> <p><strong>Visit Now</strong></p>