Tag: Racism

Conservatives Say This Study Disproves Systemic Racism

In 2016, Harvard economist Roland Fryer made headlines when he published a paper claiming that there was in fact no racial disparity in police shootings of white and black suspects. Conservative media picked up the story and ran with it. On Fox News, Sean Hannity referenced the p...

How Belief in a Just World Attempts to Justify Racism

Before taking this academic journey, the phrase "just world beliefs," was foreign to me, uncharted territory. Frankly, I had no idea how someone's ideas about procedural or distributive justice impacted their racial attitudes. Whether someone believed the world was inherently just, tha...

Locked Down Behind The Bars Of Covert Racism

Simply by virtue of my genetic packaging, all who consider themselves superior, based on the categories of gender, race, wealth, education, and title, routinely talk down to me. Before retiring in 2022, I’d heard 36 years of toxic talk. Though I have repeatedly risen to the rigors of the mo...

The Toll of Daily Racism

There was a time when I looked at bad behavior as just that — bad behavior — unless it was a “Go back to India,” from a yelping white lady or a “Fucking immigrants!” from a cranky old white man. It had to be obvious to be racist — the privilege of an unsuspe...

Behind The Bars Of Covert Racism

Simply by virtue of my genetic packaging, all who consider themselves superior, based on the categories of gender, race, wealth, education, and title, routinely talk down to me. Before retiring in 2022, I’d been exposed to decades of toxic talk. Even though I’d repeatedly risen to the...

Your Messiah Won’t Solve Racism

Christians have been waiting for Jesus’ return for over 2,000 years. To come back and save the world from its awful sins. From murder, rape, wars, brutality, bigotry and racism. Jews have been waiting even longer for theirs to come. 2,500 years and counting. They’ve had a few near mis...

Racism Should Not Be Tolerated

Protests have been held against racism. Some Black and Brown Americans face racism and injustice in their daily lives even to this day. Asian Americans have recently faced more racism in the United States since COVID. These groups of people may be on guard because they expect racism to come their wa...

What Living in Arkansas for 5 Years Taught Me About Modern Racism

Once upon a time, I thought racism was obsolete. That was while I resided in the Northeast quadrant of the country. Then I moved down South (more on that later) and was exposed to how minorities live and are treated there. The experience was eye-opening in the worst way possible. It’s no se...

“Racism” Is Not A Thing

Iwill probably be taken to task again for this subject but I stand by my position. Why? Because based on science, every human on the planet is 99.9% genetically related. The 0.1% difference relates to skin color, eye color and other minor differences. The point is, we are ALL one race...

Oppressed People Are Too Nice (Racism, Feminism, and the Inhumans)

This is probably going to be a controversial article, yet I think truthful. One thing I have noticed when it comes to people’s nature is that there are certain people who seem to simply be brutal, toxic, evil, and silly beyond repair, yet there are other people who are reasonable, kind, compas...

The Subtle Cruelty and Racism of Women’s Beauty Product Adverts

This pissed me off for several reasons, the most basic being that as a man, I have never felt the need to be handsome. I have never felt any pressure to look a certain way. I have always looked and dressed as I have wanted to, as I have been comfortable with. Why should women feel that pressure? Why...

Racism is Utterly, Totally Spiritually Useless

I used to be enraged whenever a white person would say racism has been around ‘for ages,’ and that we can never get rid of it. I’m out here trying to heal from my trauma — and here they are, telling me about how the Mongol Empire hated everybody and how actually white...

Middle East Racism

We sometimes find ourselves confronting so many issues of racism here in America, that we ignore the significant racism against Black people in other parts of the world. Understandably, many Black Americans don’t have much bandwidth left to focus on things taking place 7,000 miles away when...

Unravelling Racism: Advocating for Unity and Understanding

The roots of racism extend back through centuries, stemming from colonialism, imperialism, and the transatlantic slave trade. Racial hierarchies were created to rationalize the exploitation of certain groups by asserting their alleged inferiority. As societies evolved, these biased ideologies persis...

“Racism: Transcending Material Paradigms: A Holistic Approach to Dismantling Racism”

This research project seeks to explore the limitations of traditional material-based approaches to combating racism and proposes a holistic framework that addresses the root causes of racial bias and discrimination. Acknowledging that social, economic, and political systems have perpetuated racial i...

Combating Racism in Puerto Rico From a Different Perspective

Just this past November we saw the case of the young soccer star, Jan Carlos Mateo Delgado who was verbally attacked with racist remarks from a fan at a match with the University of Puerto Rico (Mayagüez). The game was neither suspended nor was said fan removed from the stadium. We...

Oppressed People Are Too Nice (Racism, Feminism, and the Inhumans)

This is probably going to be a controversial article, yet I think truthful. One thing I have noticed when it comes to people’s nature is that there are certain people who seem to simply be brutal, toxic, evil, and silly beyond repair, yet there are other people who are reasonable, kind, compas...

Racism News from the Twitterverse

Ms. Wiltz clearly said that we must be referred to as Black people (with a capital B, mind you), not “blacks”. Every Twitter racist that you can think of (frens, groypers, thuleans, etc) swarmed her tweet in packs as they usually do, and called her every slur that their fragile egos coul...

The Obvious Subtlety of Growth Capital Racism

Fast forward to today, in the high-stakes world of the growth capital ecosystem, a similar narrative unfolds. It’s woven not only through who is connected enough to secure funding but also through the unspoken social rituals that gatekeep this elite world. Exclusive Aspen ski trips, ...

Middle East Racism

We sometimes find ourselves confronting so many issues of racism here in America, that we ignore the significant racism against Black people in other parts of the world. Understandably, many Black Americans don’t have much bandwidth left to focus on things taking place 7,000 miles away when...

“Racism: Transcending Material Paradigms: A Holistic Approach to Dismantling Racism”

This research project seeks to explore the limitations of traditional material-based approaches to combating racism and proposes a holistic framework that addresses the root causes of racial bias and discrimination. Acknowledging that social, economic, and political systems have perpetuated racial i...

Open Racism Underpins Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson’s Bid For Reelection

The systemic oppression of Indigenous people at the hands of Canada’s institutional racism and colonialism is well documented, and not disputed by any rational person: the Indian Act, the reservation system, unsafe drinking water, disenfranchisement, broken treaties, police violence, over...

Beyond Squirming: Confronting Racism with Empathy and Understanding

A recent interaction on Medium led to an intriguing exchange, which has become the catalyst for today’s in-depth discussion. The commenter, who will remain unnamed, took offense to a general condemnation of racism and responded with the statement, “I really enjoy watching white peop...

Whitesplaining, Racialism, Anti Racism

“Whitesplaining” is my term for when white people try to explain racism. Not necessarily explaining away racism — they are usually acknowledging its existence and are condemning it — but they are acting as though they understand racism. Yes, it’s like mansplaining. H...

Three Ways Black People Say Their White Co-Workers and Managers Can Support Them and Be An Antidote to Systemic Racism

It’s a question a lot of white people have been asking in recent years, especially since the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police in 2020. It taps into a recognition of the impact of systemic racism on Black Americans and an apparent desire by white friends, colleagues an...

Name Five White People Who Fought Racism

Many Americans know about civil rights and freedom fighters like Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and good troublemaker John Lewis. Some of us even know about Medgar Evers, Ida B. Wells, and Ralph Bunche, as we...

“If black people acted like everyone else they wouldn’t receive racism”

A few years ago I was unemployed and on Periscope watching a girl from Liverpool’s stream. She was your typical Periscope narcissist, she loved herself, thought she was a genius, and ended up being a bit of a negative stereotype of Scousers. Ignorant — and racist. I have nothing ag...

The Origins of anti-South Asian Racism and its Resistance

As anti-racism conversations become more and more common in the workplace, we at Fearless Futures have found that companies often don’t know how to talk about or disrupt the unique experiences of racism for South Asian folks. In order to unpack the day-to-day realities of oppression South Asia...

4 Steps That I and Other White People Can Take to Fight Racism

Racism can be insidious as actions demonstrated by the recent viral video of Amy Cooper, a White woman, who weaponized racism against a Black man, Christian Cooper (not related), who was bird watching in the park. This confrontation apparently began when Christian simply asked Amy to follow park rul...

Where are the anti-racists now? Pt 2: Genocide denialism as racism

The de facto position for anti-racist liberals is to argue that the situation in Israel/Palestine is complex. One cannot come to a conclusion about the situation that puts blame squarely on one side or another, because, as I’ve heard directly, even though Israel does bad things too, Hamas...

United Against Racism at Brigham and Women’s Hospital…Unless You’re Jewish?

The article, an op-ed published on November 25, 2023, was written by two physicians, Dr. Bram Wispelwey, an internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) in Boston, and Dr. Eric Reinhart, a psychiatry resident at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, who w...

How to Address the Impact of Racism on Mental Health

The psychological toll of experiencing racism is a profound examination of the emotional and cognitive consequences individuals face when subjected to discriminatory practices. This exploration centers on the intricate dynamics that unfold, delving into the depths of the impact on self-esteem, ident...

How to help combat racism as a white person who is learning

The first time I learned about neo-colonialism from a global perspective was in a masters class about post colonial literature at Royal Holloway, University of London in 2011. I was 22 and I was blown away reading Jamaica Kincaid, Salman Rushdie, V.S. Naipaul, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Zadie Smith, Chimam...

Some Observations on John McWhorter’s “Woke Racism”

For over two decades, Columbia University professor, John McWhorter, has produced anti-racial justice commentary, which has been eagerly lapped up by his racist fanbase. McWhorter, a self-described liberal (who is Black) is someone who implies that Black people should be grateful that slavery and Ji...

Day 6: The myth of racism against white people

Today we are dealing with the question “Is there racism against white people?” Have you heard the word “reverse racism” before, which aims to define racism against white people? If yes, remove it from your vocabulary. The existence of “reverse racism” is a myth...

Living in denial, the European solution to racism

Europeans by nature are people who like to live in denial, and it’s no different when it comes to race. It’s interesting to watch as you have a bunch of people on their high horses about social issues in other countries, who do a lot of the same in their own. If Europeans actually too...

White Privilege: Understanding Its Relationship with Racism”

Today, the concept of white privilege often finds its foundation in Peggy McIntosh’s seminal essay, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” Originally published in 1988, McIntosh’s work serves as a pivotal tool in making the effects of white privilege more person...

How to Talk to Your Kids About Racism

The color palette of humanity is varied, a spectrum that stretches across continents and cultures. It’s a vibrant mix that tells stories of history, heritage, and society. Yet, for all its beauty, this palette has also been a source of pain, division, and discrimination. Racism, an insidiou...


It is time to examine UNH’s role in all of this, funded by the Department of Justice Office of Violence Against Women to create realistic propaganda that would sell to students under the guise of caring about sexual assault on campus. It was a lie. In fact it was to support the advancement of ...

How Racism Impacts Barbados, an Incomplete Sample

While Black Barbadians have never been financially compensated in any way for being enslaved, the white slaveholders were provided financial compensation at the end of slavery. They were given sums on a case by case basis. You can look up your last name here and see if your family received...

Your Black Lives Matter Sign Won’t Save Your Church From Racism

I don’t know how many times I have seen a predominantly White congregation with a “Black Lives Matter” sign (and probably a Pride flag) out on the lawn. Most of the time, I shake my head in disappointment because I know the drill. Spoiler alert: probably zero black or queer fo...

HEARTBREAKING Social Experiment Exposes Racism Hidden In Plain Sight

As long as Racism exists, anything said, or done, by people, that is not intended to help eliminate Racism, and to help produce justice, is a waste of time/energy. Each and every Victim of Racism should minimize the time and effort spent doing anything other than, thinking, speaking, and acting, ...

Before You Hit Send: 5 Questions to Ask Before Issuing Another Anti-Racism Statement

Given growing attention to anti-Black and anti-Asian violence, companies and organizations are increasingly issuing statements against racism. While such statements are never enough to dismantle White supremacy, they can enhance employees’ sense of psychological safety and serve as import...

Racism Hurts my Soul

Here’s my anti-racist rant as a white male person. First of all, we are people, regardless of our skin color. We are just people and we are all messed up in one way or another. Our differences are trivial. If you have some deep suspicion of other races, you need to root it out. I’m not s...

Don’t jump on the racism train

Honestly, a little reflection wouldn’t hurt. Not getting defensive and acting like a child would be nice. Not lashing out at the person trying to communicate something to you would be a good start. How about not starting a YouTube channel on how bad white people have it? I know these guys m...

10 UK anti-racism charities and organisations you can support right now

It’s 2021 but racism and discrimination is still very much present around the world and in the UK. There is still so much to learn, in order to change the way we think and act. Many charities are actively striving to encourage change, whether it’s within our societies and communities,...

Asian Americans Are Still Facing Racism

After the COVID scare started and certain politicians blamed China and basically Asian people, American citizens and immigrants of Asian heritage experienced an increase of racism in the United States. There were numerous cases of racist rants against them, but there were also assaults that caused b...

Colorism and its impact on anti-Black racism in Asia.

There are some very veiled and not so veiled biases in these comments and brings up the centuries-old ideallogy in Asia that lighter skin is better than darker skin. At its root, colorism, and the resulting discrimination and bias that is a result of colorism has its roots in classism in Asia. Un...

Internalized Racism Among Asians

Internalized racism, first, is not some biological or cultural characteristic of those who possess it. It is neither a consequence of weakness, ignorance, inferiority, psychological defect, gullibility, or shortcoming of those who possess internalized racism. It can not be reduced to one form or be ...

Tiger Moms Don’t Raise Office Pets: Challenging Corporate Racism

Ah, the corporate world. You walk into a modern office space filled with ergonomically designed chairs, snazzy conference rooms, and you can almost always sniff out the artisanal coffee brewing in the communal kitchen. This is the stage where meritocracy is the star performer, and we’re all ju...

How Three Historic Black Towns Were Destroyed by Racism and Greed

Learning black history can sometimes feel like turning on a light in a dark room. There’s a sense of enlightenment from learning about people, places, and events hidden behind lock and key. For instance, many students are unaware of the history of freedmen’s towns. After chattel sla...

How Silent But Deadly Racism Harms Air Quality in Black Communities

When Black Americans say racism is everywhere in this country, even in the air we breathe, we’re not just whistling Dixie. There is a relationship between the air quality and the racial makeup of communities. To understand why, we must consider the historical factors that brought us to this po...

Black History Month — Lesson 1: Fighting in the Face of Racism

Black folks have a long and proud tradition of serving King and country despite facing racism and not being valued as true and full citizens. My own ancestors are among those brave men. From the American Revolution, the American Civil War, the War of 1812, both World Wars and the Korean War, you ...

The Stink of Racism is All Over My State

I live in a red, conservative state. You don’t have to drive very far to see Confederate flags hanging from people’s homes or vehicles. Not just from trailers. Nice homes. Expensive trucks. You’ll also see Trump and Let’s Go Brandon flags. Don’t Tread on Me Flags. Po...

How Can You Claim Not to See Race But Ban Black History?

Color-blind racism is rooted in a lie that racial identity doesn't have any impact on Black people. The irony isn't lost on Black Americans that the same group of people who regularly claim that race does not, or should not matter, are actively targeting a group of people...

America Is Drunk on Racism

A year ago, I got news that a friend of mine, who was known for his partying, had given up drinking. Upon hearing this, it surprised me that of all the emotions I felt, I recall the distinct stab of jealousy. “Why do I feel jealous?” I wondered. If I was living the...

Canadian Racism: The Bodies in the Landfill

A little background. The history of racism in Canada is tied to its relationship with its Indigenous people. Canada never had slavery. Slavery did exist in the British colonies that became Canada up until 1836. But the reality was that the Canadian climate was unsuited to plantation agriculture a...

The Reality of White Privilege and Racism in Canada

Canada is often celebrated for its multiculturalism and reputation as a welcoming and inclusive nation. However, beneath this veneer of diversity lies a persistent and insidious problem: systemic racism. Systemic racism refers to the policies, practices, and structures that perpetuate racial discrim...

“They’re Going To End Racism.”

My favorite is when the words are kind, “your children are beautiful.” This rings true because, like most parents, my children are beauty to me. I can’t hear enough about their loveliness. On many occasions, the remarks are odd, “do you bleach her ends?” — this...

“Reverse Racism” and a Holiday Tempest in a (Boston) Teapot

It’s an unfortunate fact of life. Whenever visible minorities address the fact of white privilege, social inequities, or the necessity of DEI, we inevitably hear outraged cries of “reverse discrimination” and “reverse racism.” Or, as we will see, when we seek to gather ...

Who Upholds Racism in America?

What if I told you it could be shown very clearly who upholds racism in the USA — all we need to do is ask the right questions. Not is America racist, but who specifically in America is racist? Who upholds the racism we see happening so often within the USA, and do ...

Accept That You’re Racist. Then, Get To Work Dismantling Racism

Very few people would call themselves racist, and getting called out on racist behavior tends to elicit defensiveness. This reflex is so culturally ingrained that its scripts are practically punchlines: “I don’t see color.” “Some of my very best friends are Black.” D...

White People Will Never Get Sick and Tired of Racism Because They Benefit

Imagine strolling into a densely wooded area and discovering a tree stump. As curiosity creeps in, you decide to add up the dark rings inside to determine how old the tree is. You can trace each year of the tree’s life; it came from a long chain of seeds, saplings, and mighty oaks. Like trees,...

The Subtle Shades of Racism

Cocoa-colored hands. Helping hands, bathing hands, cleaning and cooking hands, working hands. These are Georgia, peanut-picking hands. These are Mary’s hands. I’m two. Mary holds me on her hip while she cleans the house, while she makes everything smell lemon-scented. Mary makes the b...

Systemic Racism — How to be racist by accident

Systemic racism is a big topic, and one I believe most progressives have heard of before. I’m not the first, tenth, or hundredth to explain systemic racism. Which is why it’s baffling that I meet so many people who say “I can’t be racist — I didn’t mean to!”...