Tag: Leader

As a Leader, You Need Good Feedback. Here’s How to Get It

Hierarchies solve a lot of problems. But when it’s based on competency or merit, it creates a mental bug. A promotion becomes validation. “They wouldn’t promote you if they didn’t think you were capable” your spouse might whisper across your anxiety-sweat-dre...

How to Hack the Pareto Principle to Be a More Effective Leader

Managers are not predators. They’re prey. Eyes on the side of their head, they’re always on the lookout for problems, danger, and the biggest killer of their output: busywork. And while some of this type of work is an inevitable and unavoidable part of leadership, it can get out of...

How To Be A Leader

I listened to a podcast where former NBA players talk bad coaches, and the negative effect on players’ confidence and the locker room. It resonated since I coach and play sports. My takeaway was you can’t be a good coach if you belittle your players and undermine their self belief. Yo...

What makes a good leader?

My grandparents always thought managers were evil. Even if I call them “leaders”. It does not change a bit. The managers stand above all the people in the company with the whip, ready to strike anyone who is not in line with the company process, who comes late, who starts talking inst...

Sins of a leader: Insecurity

During my regular #CoffeeWithFriends session, a friend shared her frustrations with her Reporting Officer (RO). She was tasked to organize an event and, during the initial Approval of Plan meeting with her Counter-Signing Officer (CSO), had proposed an event sequence of A, B, C and D. During the pre...

New Leader Assimilation

The challenge for the new leader is to help the team rapidly return to high levels of performance and not be impeded by the uncertainties of what the new leader will bring. The New Leader Assimilation Process described herein is designed to accelerate gaining familiarity with the new leader and q...

3 reasons and ways to be a Mindful Leader

Are you a Leader aspiring to be a CXO? then this article is for you. Congratulations on reaching where you are in your journey. You are now poised to take that leap into the executive level, but as you may know, a corporate career is like a pyramid and it keeps getting narrower as you move up. If...

What is the mean a Leader ? and What does a Leader?

A leader is an individual who guides, influences, and directs a group of people or an organization toward a common goal or objective. Leadership involves the ability to inspire, motivate, and provide direction to others to achieve desired outcomes. What a leader does can vary widely depending on t...

How To Manage Conflict As A Leader

In this article, we will explore the relationship between leadership and conflict resolution. Leaders will learn: essential skills to navigate and resolve conflicts within their teams or organizations; the role communication, active listening, empathy, and collaboration play in fostering har...

A Reluctant Leader: How I Embraced the Role I Never Wanted

Becoming a manager: Should I pursue it? How to become an effective people leader? Why would I trade coding for a life largely of meetings and navigating human dynamics? These are common questions regularly posed by software engineering leaders, including myself, as well as those contemplating their ...

As A Leader, DON’T Be Selfish!

I don’t consider myself a selfish person. I think if you asked anyone around me, they would say I’m not a selfish person (I think). Over the summer though, I started thinking about my actions and realized I was definitely thinking about myself more than my leadership team. IF y...

How to Hack the Pareto Principle to Be a More Effective Leader

Managers are not predators. They’re prey. Eyes on the side of their head, they’re always on the lookout for problems, danger, and the biggest killer of their output: busywork. And while some of this type of work is an inevitable and unavoidable part of leadership, it can get out of...

Being a senior engineering leader. Skills that you can start building already

Here I would like to share experiences being a senior engineering leader and share ideas and thoughts that might be helpful for you as you think about your career and where you want to go, and what you want to do. How can you do a better job? How can you continuously improve? What to do if you ar...

Short Thoughts on the Complexities of Being a Leader

Sex is great, but have you ever led a team of people towards a shared goal? I write about leadership because I love it. It’s in my DNA. I’ve been doing it for a long time, and I’ve helped others do it too. And what’s not to love? You unlock potential. Smash goals. Overc...

#21: The Inspirational Leader Series: Mary Piontkowski

“If we can find places where we share values, that gives us permission to show up as our authentic selves, and then it opens it up for our teams to do the same.” — Mary Piontkowski Meet Mary Piontowski, VP and Head of Product at Cisco Meraki. I’ve been working with her...

5 Characteristics of a Good Leader

Leadership is always evolving and over the past few years, we’ve seen just how quickly things can change . Great leaders know how to adapt and ensure they’re inspiring others to make a positive impact. To do that, all leaders share core characteristics that are embedded in e...


Over the last twenty years the world we live in has become increasingly more uncertain and complex. It’s clear that we desperately need effective leaders to navigate through such unpredictability and act as a beacon for all those who look up to them for guidance. But what exactly makes a &lsqu...

Competition to Industry Leader

Competing with a leading company in the same industry can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. With the right strategies and a well-thought-out approach, you can carve out your niche and gain a competitive edge. Here are some steps to consider: 1. Differentiation and Value Proposit...

What makes a good leader?

1. Fear meets determination Bullets penetrated the ground around them, the deafening sound of gunfire dominated the formerly quiet field. The corporal looked at his men, desperately trying to find some cover in a shallow ditch. One tried to return fire but was quickly forced back into cover by...

5 Characteristics of a Good Leader

Leadership is always evolving and over the past few years, we’ve seen just how quickly things can change . Great leaders know how to adapt and ensure they’re inspiring others to make a positive impact. To do that, all leaders share core characteristics that are embedded in e...

How to Become a Proven Wartime Leader

Political instability, climate change, technology disruption, economic recession, pandemic, and cybersecurity issue have created global crises that are challenging businesses of all sizes and industries. Many leaders are struggling to adapt to the new reality and keep their organizations afloat. But...

Who Else Wants to Become an AI-Driven Leader?

I’m sure you’ve all heard the following: AI will not replace you, but someone using AI will. While we are all feeling the pressure of AI’s exponentially growing skills on our shoulders, not all hope is lost. With the correct resources, willingness, and...

How to Hack the Pareto Principle to Be a More Effective Leader

Managers are not predators. They’re prey. Eyes on the side of their head, they’re always on the lookout for problems, danger, and the biggest killer of their output: busywork. And while some of this type of work is an inevitable and unavoidable part of leadership, it can get out of...

How NOT to Say No as a Leader

There has been numerous articles written about how to say no. Some of them either offer a framework on how to reject or reframe an initiative. Some of them encourage business owners to turn down opportunities that don’t fit their value system. Some of them are for relations...

What’s the Difference Between a Leader and a Manager?

“Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work.” — Seth Godin, an American author, businessman, marketer, and public speaker What makes up a leader? How about a manager? How are they different? The terms “leader” and &ldq...

Role and Responsibilities of a Design Leader

I have managed or coached designers for several years now, and witnessed some great and bad leaders in my career. In this article, I wanted to capture precisely what I think being a great design leader means. First, what is design about? I always come back to this definition by Jared Spool:&nb...

How To Talk Smart As An Effective Leader

For emerging leaders, one of the most important skills to develop would be Communication. When successful leaders talk, the audience listens. The best leaders are those who can communicate with their teams effortlessly. Remember these 5 habits that can help you connect to the audience in ...

The US Will Never Be A Climate Leader: Here’s Why

It’s no secret that Biden is trying to get the USA back on track to meet its climate targets after the Trump administration and become a global climate leader. Not only will this effort help the US become more resilient to the impeding climate disaster and crushing emissions limits, but it wil...

What does it take to be a black leader in Boston?

Having spent most of my time working in the town of Randolph since Covid, I rarely make the trip to Boston for business. However, last week, a meeting with a prospective client necessitated a journey to the city. As I hit the road and headed towards Boston on 93 North, I tuned in to WBUR, my trusty ...

Exploring the Success of Populist Leaders: Intuitive Thinking at the Root

Populism is a political philosophy that places a strong emphasis on the wants and needs of the average person, who is frequently perceived as being oppressed or disregarded by the ruling class. Populists assert that they speak for the general public and are the only ones who genuinely care about the...

Is Africa becoming a new global fashion leader?

There is a growing consumer trend on the continent for fashion Made-in-Africa, particularly among young people — the under-25s account for 50% of the continent’s total population — and among the burgeoning middle class — which already make up more than 35% of the population &...