<p>Over the last twenty years the world we live in has become increasingly more uncertain and complex. It&rsquo;s clear that we desperately need effective leaders to navigate through such unpredictability and act as a beacon for all those who look up to them for guidance. But what exactly makes a &lsquo;great&rsquo; leader?</p> <p>Many have searched for the answer; a mission that is fuelling a $370.3 billion global leadership training industry. However, data from a<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;McKinsey study</a>&nbsp;suggests that many leadership programmes fail to create desired outcomes. So why is this? Are we looking for answers in the wrong places?</p> <p>This dilemma is exactly what leadership historian Martin Gutmann addresses in his new book,&nbsp;<strong><em>The Unseen Leader&nbsp;</em></strong><em>(Springer Publishing)</em><strong><em>,&nbsp;</em></strong>where he questions current perceptions of effective leadership, by exploring what history reveals about great leaders of the past.</p> <p>In the book, Martin presents a new perspective on leadership &mdash; one that is rooted in the insights from history. By drawing on four &lsquo;unseen&rsquo; leaders from the past, Martin explores what it takes to be a true leader that makes a real difference in the world.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: UNSEEN Leader