Who Else Wants to Become an AI-Driven Leader?

<p>I&rsquo;m sure you&rsquo;ve all heard the following:</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>AI will not replace you, but someone using AI will.</strong></p> </blockquote> <p>While we are all feeling the pressure of&nbsp;<strong>AI&rsquo;s exponentially growing skills</strong>&nbsp;on our shoulders,&nbsp;<strong>not all hope is lost</strong>. With the&nbsp;<strong>correct resources, willingness, and growth mindset,</strong>&nbsp;we can all become A<strong>I driven leaders, team members, and individuals</strong>.</p> <p>And how can you become an AI-driven leader?</p> <p>Read below to find out!</p> <h1>Start Learning</h1> <p>Begin with the basics such as Generative AI, Large Language Models, Prompt Engineering, etc. Make sure you are in the loop with the advances in AI. Subscribe to newsletters and listen to podcasts. Take online courses. Be in the loop.</p> <h1>Set SMART Goals</h1> <p>Incorporate your knowledge in AI with your SMART goals to be more productive in your workflows.</p> <h1>Be a Change Management Agent</h1> <p>AI technologies bring along a number of changes. If you&rsquo;ve ever worked in a group or organizational setting, it should be familiar to you that people usually resist change. That&rsquo;s why you need to make sure that your tribe is ready to adapt to whatever change is on the horizon.</p> <p><a href="https://emeltalks.medium.com/who-else-wants-to-become-an-ai-driven-leader-7f9aeb7823f6"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Driven Leader