As A Leader, DON’T Be Selfish!
<p>I don’t consider myself a selfish person. I think if you asked anyone around me, they would say I’m not a selfish person (I think). Over the summer though, I started thinking about my actions and realized I was definitely thinking about myself more than my leadership team. <strong>IF</strong> you want support and commitment from your team, you can’t put your needs and wants over them all the time. It’s the hardship of being a leader!</p>
<p>There are 3 things as a leader you can’t let cloud your vision with your team: Selfishness, Busyness, and Stress. I let some of this jump up on me this summer and I have worked to make sure I don’t let it get in the way to close out the year.</p>
<p>Selfishness is the easy one that can sneak in and cause problems when you have goals. I am a District Leader in the banking industry and have 4 leaders and their teams that I am held accountable for. Each of these branches have goals that they are trying to hit and I have goals that I am trying to reach on a District level. Every quarter these goals reset. What does that mean? If I have a shot at reaching a goal in a certain category and one of branches does not, what do I do when they have the ability to help my goal this quarter or theirs the next quarter? It can be a tough call when the client, and we are client first District, says they don’t care when the loan closes, or the account is added, or whatever. My stated commitment is too my team, but when push comes to shove, what do I actually do?</p>
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