Tag: Good

The Metaverse Was a Hot Mess. That’s a Good Thing.

The Metaverse at times, well most of the time, was confusing. Companies changed names, new technology was announced, and experts kept saying it’s coming soon, like it was an Amazon Package that would eventually arrive and inside the package, there’d finally be an avatar with legs. But ev...

How I Found the Good in My Life

Whatever your age, it feels unpleasant to look back and only recall challenges, struggles, and troubles. Imagine how the unpleasantness compounds after six decades of lived experience. This likely explains why I rarely looked back at my life. I didn’t want to open the Pandora’s box of...

What’s Good — A Poem

Common greetings in the hood Are what it is, what’s up, and what’s good I’d make it all good if I could Surprising all who never new that I would Squashing all who didn’t think that I should Schooling those who never really understood That just because they’re f...

How I Found the Good in My Life

Whatever your age, it feels unpleasant to look back and only recall challenges, struggles, and troubles. Imagine how the unpleasantness compounds after six decades of lived experience. This likely explains why I rarely looked back at my life. I didn’t want to open the Pandora’s box of...

What’s the good of games?

What is the value of games in our lives? This question was prompted by a query from my Mentor in Coaching and Positive Psychology, Dr Robert Biswas Diener, who inquired about games involving psychology and coaching. He encouraged me to think about how games can be used in coaching and facilitat...

As a Leader, You Need Good Feedback. Here’s How to Get It

Hierarchies solve a lot of problems. But when it’s based on competency or merit, it creates a mental bug. A promotion becomes validation. “They wouldn’t promote you if they didn’t think you were capable” your spouse might whisper across your anxiety-sweat-dre...

The Good Economist

“Between a good and a bad economist this constitutes the whole difference — the one takes account of the visible effect; the other takes account both of the effects which are seen, and also of those which it is necessary to foresee”. Written by Frederic Bastiat, this phrase is perh...

You’re Only as Good as Your Person Is

I’ve noticed over the years that couples often are quite similar to each other. Mainly, in regard to how good each person is as a human being. It’s been rare that I’ve noticed a truly wonderful, caring, charming person being in a long-term relationship with a horrible person. It...

Life Is Good Even When It Hurts

Gratitude does not seem to be only for those things that please me. There must be something more. Can gratitude occur when life is pleasing or not, which we need to account for? Is it extreme to go out on a limb and say life is good even when it hurts, and there is surrounding us an uproar? ...

As a Leader, You Need Good Feedback. Here’s How to Get It

Hierarchies solve a lot of problems. But when it’s based on competency or merit, it creates a mental bug. A promotion becomes validation. “They wouldn’t promote you if they didn’t think you were capable” your spouse might whisper across your anxiety-sweat-dre...

What makes a good writer?

The number of contests my little writings have been sent to. The number of Substack articles that go unnoticed. The number of stories that never see light of day, stuck amongst the cobwebs of my mind. Tonight, I am convinced I must let it go. This hobby, something that started off as a happy o...

Here’s Why This “Learn To Trust Your Team, Do Not Micro-Manage” Statement Will Remain A Good Theory But Not Practical

Don’t ask me how I know this. I just know. It comes from both experiences and observations of course. I’ve worked with a number of companies since 2014 on marketing strategy and I saw a number of good dramas. Out of 20 companies I met, only one company trusts their team members. The rest...

What makes a good leader?

My grandparents always thought managers were evil. Even if I call them “leaders”. It does not change a bit. The managers stand above all the people in the company with the whip, ready to strike anyone who is not in line with the company process, who comes late, who starts talking inst...

5 Things Good Bosses Avoid Overdoing

“You guys are amazing. Great job today.” The more you hear this, the less it means, especially if you are just doing what is expected. Too much praise for people performing in expected ways leads to praiseflation or the devaluing of your praise as a leader. B...

What makes a good leader?

1. Fear meets determination Bullets penetrated the ground around them, the deafening sound of gunfire dominated the formerly quiet field. The corporal looked at his men, desperately trying to find some cover in a shallow ditch. One tried to return fire but was quickly forced back into cover by...

5 Characteristics of a Good Leader

Leadership is always evolving and over the past few years, we’ve seen just how quickly things can change . Great leaders know how to adapt and ensure they’re inspiring others to make a positive impact. To do that, all leaders share core characteristics that are embedded in e...

As a Leader, You Need Good Feedback. Here’s How to Get It

Hierarchies solve a lot of problems. But when it’s based on competency or merit, it creates a mental bug. A promotion becomes validation. “They wouldn’t promote you if they didn’t think you were capable” your spouse might whisper across your anxiety-sweat-dre...

5 Key Reasons Good Managers Are So Rare

We live in unprecedented times. There’s never been more training courses and management blogs. You’d think we’d be in a leadership renaissance. But individuals can only do so much. To grow, you need guidance. You need coaching. You need the opportunity and the time to realise yo...

The Secret of Getting Good Is Not Focusing on How Good I’m Getting

I’ve started noticing the astonishing extent to which I’m busy worrying about how well I am doing instead of focusing on the task at hand. Not to brag, but I can distract myself with angst-ridden self-evaluation while doing almost anything, including but not limited to, writing ca...

Banksy: Good or Bad? Choose your side, or don’t

I’ve been meaning to write on this subject for some time now. I must say that I’m very well aware that the words of an ordinary art student do not count much in the face of a Pulitzer winning critic and a well-known curator. But, screw it. Gonna speak my mind anyway. Recently, Banksy ...

Good Ideas make for Bad Designers — (Part 2 of 3)

Game designer, or simply designer, is not an easy job to explain. For how many times I’ve tried to explain it to my parents and their friends, I know it is a way more abstract activity than Artist, Programmer, or even Producer. I usually describe it as “defining the rules of the gam...

Do I Need a College Degree To Become a Good Programmer?

Technically, no you do not need a college degree to become a software engineer. The most difficult parts of becoming a developer is in two parts; one, getting the skills and two, getting the job. You have to decide whether or not you want to do it professionally. Each of these is strenuous and a ...

What Makes Pikmin 4 So Good?

Ifyou know me, then you would know that I love Pikmin. It’s a real-time strategy game where you need to collect objects within a given time frame. Highly underrated Nintendo franchise that’s nowhere near as popular as Mario or Zelda. I covered the series on my YouTube chan...

Doing a really Good Job!

The following is a description of how to complete every room of the game Good Job! for the Nintendo Switch without damaging anything. This description excludes Floors 0 and 9 since there are no tasks in Reception and the Penthouse doesn’t require you to pick anything up nor does i...

Borderlands 3 on The Switch is Surprisingly Good

I didn’t think that a Switch conversion of Borderlands 3 was technologically possible. When it first launched in 2018, it ran at a barely passable 30FPS on the PS4 and Xbox One and struggled to go much faster on the enhanced Pro and X consoles. It wasn’t until the 2020 launch o...

“Good Commit” vs “Your Commit”: How to Write a Perfect Git Commit Message

Years ago, I never realized there were specific rules for writing commit messages until my curiosity got the best of me. I used to think that straightforward messages like “added feature 2,” “fixed the bug on the Main Navigation bar,” or even “foo” were sufficient...


Buildings consume 41% of U.S. energy and new technologies are necessary to improve window efficiencies. In the U.S. insulating glass industry, H.B. Fuller’s Ködispace 4SG is having a big impact in meeting tough new goals. “We sell in over 40 countries,” says Paul McHale, Di...

Good Air, Good Vibes

Four months ago was my last day at the office. I am blessed to be on sabbatical, focusing my time on personal development. I have been visiting loved ones across several time zones, sharing my story with those I meet and ever-growing my nomadic family. My partner, D, has a knack for giving off go...

The Secret to Writing a Good Story

No, it’s not a good mug of coffee, though it feels like that way sometimes. Nor is it a writing sojourn in an enchanting land, though that can help. Bonus points for combining the two, but still not there! In fact, one of the most successful authors of our time, J K Rowling, wrote much of t...

REVIEW: Good World’s best croissant cafe in Melbourne: Lune Croissanterie at Collins Street and Fitzroy, Melbourne

Lune Croissanterie has earned the prestigious title of being the World’s Best Croissant destination. Intrigued by this recognition, we were compelled to visit. Upon arriving at Lune Croissanterie, we noticed a distinctive feature: the absence of seating arrangements. Instead, eager patron...

What is Bloody Good Bins?

If these issues weren’t already a strong enough motivator for us, there’s actually a truckload of evidence to suggest that empowering women and girls is an incredibly effective way to bring entire villages out of poverty, reduce hunger, and even tackle climate change. T...

Hockey, Coors and Good Vibes

The vibe of local hockey is hard to describe, you can smell it as soon as you enter the arena. Each rink has it’s own feeling and atmosphere. Straight away you notice familiar faces, it might be slightly cold, but as I cracked open a Coors beer the zamboni drove past me which put a smile on...

No News is Good News at La Octava TV

Today is the last day for news programming at La Octava, Grupo Radio Centro announced in a press release. Beginning tomorrow, the channel will shift to a “100% entertainment” lineup as part of what is billed as a “change in strategy”. The short release notes that ...

This Dr. Pepper *IS* Good for Me, Actually

When I toured Waco before committing to Baylor University for my undergraduate education, my family and I toured the Dr. Pepper museum (It’s actually what Waco is best known for). In 2021, I bought a sweatshirt that says “I’m a Pepper.” EVEN I will do Free &md...

3 Websites that will pay you Daily. (Good Money!!)

Everybody needs a “Side-hustle” that will allow them to make some extra income. This “extra” money could go towards a nice dinner, vacation, or a new pair of jordans. Whatever it is for you I have found three websites that will pay you daily for doing very minimul work! To...

The Five Good Roman Emperors

The ancient world experienced its fair share of dictatorship, blatant decadence, immorality, and hedonism during the reign of several tyrannical caesars of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Modern history books are filled with the lore of their savagery and madness that was the signature of their tim...

Dating In San Francisco — Is San Francisco Good For Dating?

In the city where people love to complain about everything from electric scooters, to Ubers blocking bike lanes, long waits at Blue Bottle, incorrect DoorDash orders, fog, nudists, delayed MUNI lines, price of avocado toast, tech, hiking, steep hills, lack of late night cafe culture, nimby&rsqu...

Hobbyists — Learn From Me, Hobbies Don’t Make Good Businesses

I hate using the word normal, but in the context of the story, I’m a normal person. I am incredibly passionate about my career. And I also have my hobbies. I watch a minimum of five hours of wrestling per week. Every day, without fail, I read articles from wrestling dirt sheets. The writers...

A Year of Impact: Celebrating Give for Good in 2023

Aswe reflect back on this year, we’re proud to share the impactful strides we’ve made in giving back to the communities we serve. Throughout the year, our collective efforts have not only celebrated philanthropy but also amplified our commitment to upholding our Core Principles. Our Core...

Good Soil: A Reflection on Thomas 9

This parable is repeated in several of the canonical gospels. In some of them, Jesus explains this parable to his disciples. I won’t go over those passages. I wasn't to look at the key to the seed-producing fruit — good soil. Good soil occurs in one of two ways. Either it is th...

Keeping Good Company

Bhaja Govindam, is a poem composed by Adi Sankaracharya. The poem has 33 verses. Verse 9 of the poem says “from Satsangh(Good company) comes non-attachment, from non-attachment comes freedom from delusion, which leads to Mindfulness. From Mindfulness comes Jeevan Mukti”. Jeevan Mukt...

These Are The Good Old Days

Join me on a mental journey to your favorite Jewish deli. You could open the expansive menu, but I know you’ve got your go-to dish. Rabbi Kahn would order Pastrami on Rye with the cole slaw on the sandwich, but the dressing on the side. Cantor wants his Pastrami with the dressing slathered ...

Make Everyday a Good Day

The gate to the New Year has opened and even though it’s an arbitrary convention to change a number on a calendar and call it 2024 instead of 2023 we all do it, and we all find some meaning in doing it. Even the name January has its roots in this looking forward and looking back, this point...

Why Do Women Leave Good Men?

There’s something you all don’t know about me. It might surprise you. I have an embarrassing vice. I love reality television. One of my favorite shows is Sister Wives. I started watching it when it debuted in 2010 because — and this won’t surprise you &mdash...

How Encouraging Little Boys To Play With Dolls Will Set Them Up To Be Good Fathers

He has no more free choice over what toys he plays with than a volunteer in mentalist and illusionist Derren Brown's performance. His culture and society at large hypnotise him. Equality appears to have come on leaps and bounds, not discounting the enormous reverse step of abortion ...

Good design is invisible. But so is design that harms.

Most designers would agree that good design is invisible. What do I mean by this? Invisible design is design that works. When it goes unnoticed, it means “no complaints.” A phone that is designed to help you better communicate helps you complete a task without problems, making your ...

Was 2023 a “good year” for women?

We assume there’s progress, that with every passing year, we’re better than we were before. I’m not so sure. We’ve just started 2024, and it’s a good time to assess the year that was, and to ask ourselves if 2023 was a good year for women? We’d like to think th...

Why Tea is Good for Your Spirituality: Exploring the Benefits

Tea has been a popular beverage for centuries, known for its soothing properties and numerous health benefits. But did you know that tea can also be good for your spirituality? Here’s a breakdown of why tea is good for your spiritual practice: 1. Ritualistic Nature: Drinking tea can be a mi...

4 Chinese Zodiac Signs That Are Good With Money

The Rat is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac and represents intelligence, adaptability, and charm. People born in the year of the Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020) are good at finding opportunities and making the most of them. They are also quick learners and can maste...

Why Do Good Justice Professionals Do Bad (or at Least Questionable) Things?

New information from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ)indicates that false or misleading forensic evidence has factored in nearly one-quarter of all exoneration cases in the United States since 1989. “The Impact of False or Misleading Forensic Evidence on Wrongful Convictions” a...

The Good City

As I’ve come to experience them, having lived and worked my entire life in the New York Metropolitan region, cities are a reflection of the nature of man, good and bad, and meeting the commonality of needs amongst a diverse set of people is the foundational challenge of a well-functioning &ldq...

Why Civil War Is Too Good For America

The one thing Americans will fight a civil war about is how to oppress their underclass. Whether they’re legal property (slaves) or illegal immigrants, America requires an underclass, that goes without question. The only dispute is how crass they are about it. “Conser...

Why I Left Australia for Good

In Australia, the top personal income tax rate hits a whopping 45%, kicking in at $150,000 AUD per year. Some might argue that other countries (like certain European nations) might have worse tax situations. But trust me, that’s not the whole story. See, in Australia, the issue with taxe...

Keep “The Good Doctor” Weird

Iam not a regular viewer of this show on ABC about an autistic physician, but recently I got around to watching my first episode. I really liked it and can see why it’s still going strong, now in its fifth season. My son is autistic but this was not the reason why I finally wanted to w...

A bowl of good luck

The lights on the tree cast comfort and joy in the living room. I spent a few hours reading Alice in Wonderland. My sister’s boyfriend from Kuwait gave it to me. “You have to write a message inside of it for her,” my sister affectionately instructed him, handing him a fla...

No, My Kid Doesn’t Have “Good Hair”

“Sit still!” It’s been thirty years and those words rock my insides, as if they were aimed at me. I was halfway across the room, watching my cousin’s otherwise light brown skin fill with red blotches along her scalp. With her lips askew and tears welling in her eyes, she...

Is Bioinformatics A Good Career? (Guide)

Bioinformatics professionals are in high demand due to the explosion of biological data and the need to analyze and interpret this data effectively. From pharmaceutical companies to research institutions, there is a constant need for experts who can analyze complex biological data to support drug di...

3 Good Books I Read In January

I was scanning the bookshelves at my aunt’s house over the holidays when I discovered this gem. She said if I liked Where The Crawdads Sing, I’d love this one, and she was right because I loved this book! I mean I really loved this book. It's set in the swamps of Mississipp...

The Ultimate Guide to CBD: Discover the Secret Good Benefits

CBD is one of many active compounds found in the cannabis plant and is mostly derived from Hemp. THC is another active substance found in the Cannabis plant. They are both cannabinoids but affect the body differently. CBD is a naturally occurring compound that is not psychoactive so it won’...

When a Man Likes You, Here’s What He’s Thinking

This can make men think they only like certain things in a woman. Yet, deep down, men want more than looks. They’re looking for someone who gets them, laughs at their jokes, supports their dreams, and isn’t afraid to share their own. It’s about connecting on a deeper level...

When A Good Heart Isn’t Enough

Looking back at the entirety of someone’s full life with an imperfect human brain lends to revisionist history and the remapping of events. In my half-brother’s case, it seemed like he was always plagued with a challenge starting at a very early age. He was the product of divorce, raised...

What We Mean By Good and Evil, Right, and Wrong

Epicurus posited that if there is an all powerful God, then He must be able to eliminate suffering and evil, but He does not care to do so. David Hume later popularized this notion, too. How can we reconcile the existence of God (or Good) in a world of where evil flourishes? In ecopsych...

Flip It. Flip It Good.

By giving us access to all our friends at all times, it is ruining friendship. By offering endless entertainment, it is ruining boredom. By giving us frictionless experiences while traveling, it is ruining travel. By putting wondrous learning tools in our hands, it is ruining education. ...

Everything You Need to Look Ridiculously Good on Zoom

Pre-pandemic, networks brought television guests in to sit on couches and banter with anchors. Or they sent them to some downtown skyscraper to sit in a quiet room on the 23rd floor with a fake metropolitan backdrop, where they would stare down a camera for a satellite interview. In-person interview...

Top 5 Reasons Sneakers are Good for Your Mental Health

One of the ways to improve men’s mental health is to encourage them to engage in activities that make them happy, healthy, and fulfilled. And for many men, sneakers are one of those activities. Whether you are a sneakerhead, a casual collector, or a newbie, here are five reasons why sneakers a...

Scent-sational Secrets: Mastering the Art of Smelling Good.

The solid foundation to an irresistible scent bubble is clean and dry skin. If you have a theme fragrance for the day you can enhance your scent by using body wash and body scrubs (Tree hut has tons of options) that contain the scent you will wear for the day. Straight from the shower you will ...

Body Positivity — Using Social Media for Good

The term ‘Body Positivity’ started to explode in 2017, with over 4.3 million hashtags of #bodypositive, and 1.36 million of #bodypositivity on Instagram. For anyone who grew up being slightly different than everyone else around them, loving how you look can be difficult. Even as adult...

No, My Kid Doesn’t Have “Good Hair”

“Sit still!” It’s been thirty years and those words rock my insides, as if they were aimed at me. I was halfway across the room, watching my cousin’s otherwise light brown skin fill with red blotches along her scalp. With her lips askew and tears welling in her eyes, she...

How To Say “Have A Good Weekend” In Spanish

The weekend is here! The most awaited time of the week, when many people rest, it’s time to watch a movie or even go out to a party without worrying about waking up early to go to school or work the next day. When we hear “Have a good weekend” it gives us a sense of relaxation a...