Tag: English

Govar — a free online English speaking club

Hello, everyone. My name is Denis, and I am the CEO, the founder, and the source of the idea behind the Govar app. I want to share information about our project, its origin, and the path we have taken. Govar is an app for improving English conversation skills. You can find conversation partners f...

I Pretend Not to Know English Sometimes

Let’s be honest: Adulting isn’t a cakewalk. Between juggling work, relationships, and existential dread, it’s not exactly a ride at Disneyland, right? But sometimes, you’ve got to bring out your secret weapons. And no, I’m not talking about nunchucks or throwing stars &...

How I Moved to Japan at the Age of 31 without Being an English Teacher

Whenever I tell people back home in Singapore that I live and work in Japan, people become somewhat envious of me — at least superficially. But I have sacrificed a lot to walk this path, and it’s not one that I can recommend to many. Quite a number of those who move to Japan init...

“I Love You” Is The Most Beautiful Phrase In The English Language

I walked into my grandfather’s home, not knowing what to expect. He normally sat in the living room with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. However, on that fateful day, my grandfather was nowhere to be seen. “Come over here,” said my mom. “Grandad is lying in bed and his con...

Speaking English so non-native colleagues understand

Collaborating with colleagues around the world is a rich and rewarding experience. Exposure to new cultures and ideas stimulates new ways of thinking and understanding the world around you. Diverse, global teams help you build a more inclusive product. Remote working has increased the likeli...

English Lesson: How to Start a Team Meeting

Having to participate and lead meetings in a second language can be really scary! But, if we have an organized technique for how to do it, it suddenly becomes a lot easier. Here’s a short and practical lesson for how to lead a meeting in English: Example Text: “Hi everybody. Thanks...

In Plain English: How Does Databricks Pricing Work?

In Plain English is a series of articles that aim to breakdown technical ideas in simple language. Complex language may be great for academia, but it’s not suitable for the typical data practitioner who just needs to understand the concept and apply it in real life! 1. Let’s ...

“I was born in rush hours” (A Play in Progress, Fullfat, Bangkok, 2022) A Performance Review in English

I attended Fullfat’s first shows in 2017–2018 when Warehouse 30 was not yet opened, and another one staged in a small room in Siampic Theatre. Nopphan has a unique approach and presentation, so edgy that many theatre students and Bohemians join forces with Fullfat back then and up until ...

Top 20 Free online english speaking courses

online english speaking courses English is the most broadly spoken language on the planet (According to Statista). More than one billion individuals communicate in English all throughout the planet as their local or second language. This makes English a solid language that associates individ...

Let’s Gather Round and Laugh at Mirror’s Terrible English Lyrics

Mirror is the most popular boy band in Hong Kong right now. And by the most popular, I am not just saying that a lot of people listen to their songs. I mean people in Hong Kong who don’t listen to music would have heard of them; I am describing a phenomenon where fans would l...

A Very English Tale

During the morning a thick ground fog enveloped the countryside. Standing atop the hill I saw the tops of several oak and elm trees poking through, brightened by the morning sunshine. This stretch of riverside, between Barden Bridge and Bolton Abbey, is a popular walk in the Yorkshire Dales. It offe...

Verses on Salat

While the above verse shows how critical the Salat is for our souls, we can and should pray to or at least keep God in mind as much as possible; only God has any power in the universe. However, without that knowledge it appears that we and others have power. A separate story gives a number o...

LGBTQ+ Terms in English & Spanish that You Should Know

As a personal and professional LGBTQ+ advocate, I assumed I knew all that there was for LGBTQ+ terminology. Until *cue record scratch* I realized that my knowledge of LGBTQ+ terms was limited to English when I speak three languages. This realization led me to a search and conversations with Spani...

An Exploration of Forgotten English

Have you ever read your horoscope and wondered by what power the planets can control your destiny? There is a name for that power. It is called alfridaria. According to William Toone’s Etymological Dictionary of Obsolete Words, 1832, Alfridaria is “a power astrologers p...

Tikkunei Zohar English Translation & Basic Commentary — First Introduction Page 16b

In this project, we undertake to translate the Tikkunei Zohar portions using AI and then give each section an “easy to understand” commentary as we proceed. In addition, we will occasionally publish additional articles on this project that look at general themes and deeper dives as th...

Reinforcement Learning in Plain English

What is Reinforcement Learning? Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a type of artificial intelligence approach where a system learns to make decisions through trial and error. It is similar to teaching a child to ride a bike; the child learns to balance and pedal through practice and adjusting their act...

An English Morning…..A short tale….

Josie put up her umbrella. The wind blew against her, hitting her coat horizontally from underneath the round black shelter above. What was the point, she would put it down. She pressed the release and the metal umbrella stem extended back down into its base. Rain, down your face. Pulling off you...

How To Become A Master In English

Let’s discover together how to transform the English skills and how to become a master in it. In this blog, I’m going to reveal my journey of proficiency in writing, listening and speaking in English. Join me on this journey and explore the art of mastering all three English language dom...

How to Improve Your English Daily

Can’t pop my bubble!! I’m still amazed by the fact that I love what I do daily, let’s make that the standard and not the exception!! But first off, welcome back once again to another amazing monthly decision to: Improve Your English Daily! — or very welcome to any new...

How to Start Learning English

On the other hand, if you start by enrolling in an English school to learn English with a teacher, structure = disciplined learning, but the lack of flexibility may frustrate you. It is also not always effective to learn English in a classroom. I had “formally” studied Engli...

English Lexicon through Time

Imagine a world where “bread” was “hlaf” and “strong” was “strencth.” This was the realm of Old English (roughly 450–1150 AD), a language heavily influenced by Anglo-Saxon dialects. Its vocabulary reflected a practical, seafaring society. Words l...

Stop studying English grammar in order to learn the language.

When you’re trying to learn or improve your English, you might feel tempted to grab any grammar book from Amazon.com and work your way through them. You may have been studying English in school for exams and feel that your English is not improving. Does studying grammar really improve your Eng...

How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills at Home

I am speaking English in A Lover in Disguise’s podcast episodes because I want to improve my English speaking skills — and that’s 99% the reason. I don’t care about my stats, so I don’t know where my audiences are from. When I am recording episodes, I don’t rec...

Lesson 1 : English conversation between three friends! & MOC Test

Ratan: Not much, just hanging out. How about you? Pappu: I’m doing pretty well. Thanks for asking. Subha: So, have you guys heard about the new restaurant that just opened up downtown? Ratan: No, I haven’t. What’s it called? Subha: It’s called “The Rusty Spo...

How to Improve English Listening Skills as a Non-Native Speaker

The best way to improve English listening skills is by listening a looooot to spoken English, which is widely available on the internet. Go to YouTube, or open up your Spotify and listen to podcasts. English listening skills are an important part of language learning because English speakers, nat...

Speak Easy: Top 7 Easiest Languages to Learn with Your English Knowledge

Dutch, spoken by 22 million people globally, is a West Germanic language. It’s spoken by the majority of citizens of the Netherlands, as well as a large portion of Belgium’s population. Due to its close relation to English, Dutch is relatively easy for English speakers to learn. This ...

My journey of learning English language

My journey to learn English language started when I was 15 years old, I started to listen to pop music, watch some English movies (with my native language subtitles) and learn some grammar at school. I was excited to master it and interested in becoming an advanced English speaker. It wasn&rsqu...

English Grammar: Used To, Be Used To, Get used To

The important thing to remember about the “used to + infinitive” form is that we ONLY use it to talk about the past, namely past habits and states. These were things that we did regularly in the past, but NO LONGER do in the present. If you still do something in th...

How to save your ass when you don't know English?

We are often stuck in a situation where we are forced to speak English but we are not able to convey our thoughts. Sometimes we know it and understand it but still we can't speak. Here are some practical useful tips that you can use to save yourself when you don't know how to convey your ...

English Vocabulary: Terms for being Overprotective

We like to protect the ones we love. Parents in particular are protective of their children and try to avoid any harm from coming to them. However, if somebody tries to protect another person too much, i.e. being overprotective, this can also be detrimental. Photo by Marco Bianchett...

Myths about speaking English

 I should communicate like a native speaker, in order to be understood. There are almost three times more “non-native” English speakers in the world than “native” ones (Ethnologue, 2023), so you’re much more likely to come into contact with someone who speaks En...

The 48 Best Business English Books for Professional English Learners

Benefits of Books for Business English Learners For business professionals who want to improve their English skills, reading business books can be an extremely effective way to learn. Not only do business books provide valuable information about specific business topics, but they also help reader...

40 Common 'What' Questions to Enhance Your English Conversations

What's your name? - A simple and polite way to begin any introduction. What do you do for a living? - This question helps you learn about a person's profession. What kind of music do you like? - A great conversation starter about preferences. What kind of movies do you like? - Simil...

Free Websites for English Self-study

One of the great things about BBC News is that you don’t have to subscribe to be able to read their articles, as is the case with many news organisations. You can read about world news, or there are sections on specific topics, like business, health, science, politics, etc. if there’s a ...

How to Effectively Learn English with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a free artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that can do creative tasks like writing articles, scripts, poetry, and even songs. Chatbot is constantly learning, so its work becomes more and more natural every day. You can ask ChatGPT questions and set tasks. For example, to improve ...

The Importance of the English Language: 15 Reasons to Learn English

In today’s increasingly globalized and interconnected world, the Importance of English Language is more important than ever for individuals looking to succeed both personally and professionally. English is the language of international business and is increasingly becoming the lingua...

What is your English Level A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2?

English Levels CEFR CEFR English levels are utilized by all advanced English language books and English language schools. It is prescribed to utilize CEFR levels in work resumes (educational plan vitae, CV, Europass CV) and other English level references. We list here the CEFR descriptors for lan...

Guide to Action on How to Improve English Pronunciation (Part 1)

There are many variants of English pronunciation: Canadian, Australian, Mid-Atlantic, etc. However, the most popular are British and American English. The articulation in these two varieties of the same language is quite different. So it makes sense to stick to one type. How to make a choice? Listen...

How to Teach English Online on Pop On

Do you have what it takes to help students around the world improve their English, to help them break the ice and start speaking with more confidence? Have you ever wanted to try teaching but never had the time, or just wanted to socialize with a chat pal while earning some extra cash? Pop On is the...

English Language Learning and Technology

Introduction In today’s world, technology holds an important place in our lives, just as the English language does, being the lingua franca across the globe. One of the areas significantly impacted by technological advancements is education, especially language learning. With English servin...

How to get your English beyond C2 level — if that even exists.

The European Union came up with the Common European Framework of Reference as a means to standardise the different levels language learners could have. The CEFR indicators are the same for all languages, which means that you can measure the B2 level of English and the B2 level of French in...

7 Quick, Easy Role-Play Ideas for Business English Classes

So you want to make your classes more fun, engaging and beneficial? But you’re not sure exactly how to do it? Look no further than these 7 role-play ideas to help you plan dynamic Business English classes. Role-play activities that give your Business English students the chance to put th...

Top 10 Vlogs to Learn English on YouTube

Speaking English more fluently has never been easier thanks to the popularity of YouTube vlogs in recent years. People express their experiences, viewpoints, and views on a variety of themes via vlogs, which are basically video blogs. These may be a fantastic method to increase your vocabulary,...

English Vocabulary: Terms & Expressions for being Lazy

The adjective “idle” can be used for a person who we think is lazy and doesn’t want to do any work, or be productive. If you think someone is extremely lazy, you can also say they’re “bone idle”, which has a stronger meaning. She’s bone idle....

What are phrases in English grammar?

Want to know what are phrases in English grammar? Phrases are those parts of the sentence that describe something about a sentence but on their own, they have no meaning. A phrase does not have a subject. It does not have a verb. As you already know, the subject of a sentence is the person ...

3 Ways to Learn English Slang Daily and Quickly

If you want to improve your skills in learning slang, you need to act now. After reading the article, you will learn 3 practical recommendations for increasing your vocabulary correctly and quickly. 1. Use up-to-date guides and subscribe to useful newsletters. To begin with, you need to find r...

American English vs British English Spelling: Demystifying the Differences

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s take a quick historical detour. American English evolved from British English, diverging over time due to factors like geography, social evolution, and Noah Webster’s handy dictionary! This divergence led to different spellings for the ...

Books to read to improve English (for beginners)

Do you often have creative ideas in your mind, but are unable to put them to words? Maybe you have a friend whose English and communication skills you admire, or it was a TV personality’s speech that moved you, and you wish to speak like that. Don’t worry, we all have been there. Just li...

Decoding the intricacies of the English language with Decode English

Delving into the world of the English language can be a fascinating journey, but it can also be fraught with complexities and hidden nuances. If you're looking to unveil the mysteries of English and gain a deeper understanding of its intricacies, the Decode English YouTube channel is an invaluab...

How to remember English Collocations: The Art of Word Pairing

These are combinations of words that just sound “right” together, much like peanut butter and jelly.  Why Bother with Collocations?  Mastering collocations can significantly improve your fluency and make your English sound more natural. Plus, it’s a fantastic wa...

No, Being an English Major Is Not Easy

There’s a huge difference between speaking a language and understanding things about it, like its word classes, semantics, syntax, orthography, dialects, etymology, and so on. If you know what at least two or three of those words mean, then I salute you. I’ve experienced this situatio...

Some Interesting English Words To Add To Your Vocabulary

Well,  as a language, spoken English is more that 1400 years old and has over 160 different dialects. Obviously, the main consequence of this is that the English language is amazingly diverse. And even for old time English speakers, there is ever so often a word or phrase that hasn’t b...

Beginner Business English Vocabulary: Top 51 Terms

The business acumen of every person starts by building a working vocabulary to participate in the business world. If you want to get ahead in your career, create your own business, or simply improve your communication skills, learning these key vocabulary for business will give you a competitive edg...

English Corner — Zero and First Conditionals

These are the first two types of conditionals to be aware of when it comes to studying this particular grammar topic of conditionals. The ‘zero’ conditional is formed when it comes to discussing general truths and things that can happen under certain circumstances. It’s important t...

15 Ways to Describe the Taste and Texture of Food and Drink in English

Are you an English learner who would like to improve your speaking skills and expand your vocabulary on the topic of food? Please read on to learn 15 adjectives for describing the taste and texture of food and drink. 1. STODGY  Very rich heavy food I like pies, but they a...

English Vocabulary: Synonyms of Complain

We’re all human and let’s face it, there are many things in life which are frustrating and irritating. We all complain from time to time, about the weather, the traffic, our job, etc. Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash I’m going to give you some alternative te...

English Idioms with Etymology in Greek and Classical Mythology and Legends: the Frequency of Use and Use across Genres

Some linguists claim that Greek and classical myths and legends are relevant in the English language as a result of the frequent use of idioms derived from Greek and classical myths and legends. However, these claims are unfounded as there is no empirical data to support them. This paper aims to exp...

Which Writing Section is Harder? Comparing IELTS, TOEFL and Duolingo English Test

Duolingo English Test (DET) seems to be tapping on everyone’s shoulders this year. With an accessible price and a rain-or-shine online delivery, DET is a popular choice among many international university applicants for their English Language Requirements this year. However, the Duolingo En...

How To Learn English For Freelancing

English is the lingua franca of the business world, making it a valuable skill for freelancers seeking global opportunities. Whether you aspire to be a content writer, virtual assistant, translator, or customer support representative, having strong English language skills is essential for effecti...

Terrible English tips from social media: part one

It’s not hard to find teachers and coursebooks offering horrible advice on how to speak better English. Made up rules about “conditional forms” are everywhere. Your grammar book has too many chapters about the present perfect. People tell you to use hyper-formal phrases like &ldquo...

Noun Types,Error Detection Rules,Practice Set — English TextBooq

In traditional English Grammar, there are eight parts of speech in the English language. Eight parts of speech are Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection. The parts of speech defines the grammatical meaning of a word with...

How I Improve My English Speaking Zero to Intermediate.

When I was admitted to my University, my Professor asked me to say something about myself. I couldn’t answer her properly. Because I was not good at English. And I had been a Bangla Medium Student throughout my study life. Suddenly I’m being shifted to an English Medium Student without k...

150+ Daily Use English Sentences for Everyday Life, Students, Teachers, Children, and More

Explore a collection of easy daily use English sentences for students, teachers, children, and everyday life. From classroom tips to home organization, enhance your skills with practical advice. Find valuable resources to make hospital visits smoother and strengthen family connections. Sta...

How to Read Books in English Correctly: 8 Tips

Have you already mastered the basics of English, gained a basic vocabulary and are familiar with elementary grammatical constructions? So, you can start reading books in English. Of course, I do not recommend beginners to read literature in the original: even children’s fairy tales will still ...

What is the difference between General and Academic English?

English is the most widely spoken language in the world and is often used as a common language for communication in many fields, such as business, education, and science. However, different types of English are used in different contexts, such as General English and Academic English. These two types...

600+ Best Topics For Speech in English

Topics for speeches play an important role in this process by providing a way to focus our attention on the things that are most important to us. A speech is an important tool in preserving and celebrating culture. By sharing stories, traditions, and values, speeches help to keep culture alive and p...

20 Best English Speaking App That You Must Have On Your Device

20 Best English Speaking Apps That You Must Have on Your Device 1. English Listening and Speaking This app shines by directly targeting the core skills essential for real-world communication. If your goal is to genuinely understand spoken English and express yourself confidently, consid...

Useful apps for advanced English learners

Improve your grammar, vocabulary Go Correct lets you practice writing English every day, with feedback from a qualified teacher. You receive a daily conversation question. You reply with a text of about 60–70 words and the teacher checks it and corrects you. Questions are about a va...

100 The Most Common English Sentences

For A-Z English Study Material CLICK HERE to download our 100% Free App From Google Play Store. You can Learn English Listening, Reading Writing, Speaking, Vocabulary, and Grammar using our free app. Apart from that we have 12 Lakh English Sentences Translated into 56 Languages. CLICK...

5000 Daily Use English Sentences In Hindi Pdf

For A-Z English Study Material CLICK HERE to download our 100% Free App From Google Play Store. You can Learn English Listening, Reading Writing, Speaking, Vocabulary, and Grammar using our free app. Apart from that we have 12 Lakh English Sentences Translated into 56 Languages. CLICK...

Top 7 Tips on How to Choose a Book to Read in English

Simple children’s stories can be helpful for those who do not have a vast vocabulary and need to learn all grammatical constructions. Popular novels with profound vocabulary are suitable for people with medium and high levels of knowledge; from there, you will learn a lot of new words. Where t...

English Conversation Sentences

For A-Z English Study Material CLICK HERE to download our 100% Free App From Google Play Store. You can Learn English Listening, Reading Writing, Speaking, Vocabulary, and Grammar using our free app. Apart from that we have 12 Lakh English Sentences Translated into 56 Languages. CLICK...

English Dirty Words You Should Never Say

All of those lead to profanity if you use them online. Do not use curse words unless you want to be banned fromFacebook or blacklisted by your followers. If they are cocksuckers, they deserve it But if you are just having fun with no personal offense to anyone, it’s okay then. Actually, som...

Boost Your English Confidence: 5 Essential Apps for Practice Speaking English

Do you know in our app we have read-aloud exercises, repeat after-me exercises, English Speaking Ideas, English Speaking Questions, and Answers? CLICK HERE to download our app. Boost Your English Confidence: 5 Essential Apps for Practice Speaking English Does the thought of speaking ...

Perfect Your English Writing: 5 English Learning Apps to Polish Your Skills

Grammarly has become a household name for those seeking precision in their writing. While not as comprehensive as our top pick, Grammarly excels in proofreading and correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The app provides real-time suggestions, enhancing your writing accuracy and overa...

Advanced English Vocabulary: Bad Habits

The word vice has some moral connotations, suggesting that this bad habit is due to some kind of flaw or weakness in a person. However, it is often used in a humorous way. For example, I say that my vices are coffee and chocolate. Guilty Pleasure A similar term that we coul...

Earning money from online English Tutoring

The demand for online English tutoring has been steadily increasing. With the rise of globalization and the importance of English as a global language, there is a growing need for individuals who can provide quality English instruction to students around the world. If you are proficient in English a...

10 Common English Idioms and Phrases from TV Shows

English Idioms and Phrases in TV Shows In this article, we will highlight ten common English idioms and phrases in popular TV shows. First, we will define the idiom and the meaning of the expression. Then, we will show how it is used in the dialogue of each scene. Finally, after understanding ...

why is english so different?

At first glance, English may not seem like a Germanic language (like German or Dutch) due to its heavy influence from French, Latin, Greek, and more: in fact, only 26% of English words are Germanic. In the modern age, this definitely makes learning Romance languages much easier, but how did this cha...

French VS English: Rivalry Indeed? — Showing Cultural Exchanges Between the Two Languages

France and UK are very close to each other, and it has been known that these two countries have had some conflicts and differences in the past, characterizing the classic English and French rivalry. This occurred in history, since England was under Normand (French) domain for a long time, and h...

Hindi Proverbs and their English Equivalents

This happened about 10 years back.. While sitting at the breakfast table, my daughter kept swinging her leg, which kept banging into mine and then I turned around and said, in Hindi, "Sau sonaar ki, ek lohaar ki." This started off a discussion of what it meant and whether there ...

The Day When “Jugaad” Made It to the Oxford English Dictionary

Local dialects are complex to translate sometimes. “Indian speech etiquette features a complex system of kinship terms and terms of address, in which age, gender, status, and family relationships are marked by a highly specific vocabulary with no direct equivalents in English,” s...

Join me in the journey — 100 Days of AWS — English & Hindi

The world of cloud computing is rapidly evolving, with new services and technologies being introduced every day. As businesses and organizations increasingly adopt cloud technologies, it has become essential to understand the basics of cloud computing and its various services. I have been working...

Why English Dominates the World — it has nothing to do with ‘white privilege’.

A friend of mine said this recently while in Indonesia. I quietly pointed out that there are well over 40 predominantly white countries where English is not the official language (Europe excluding the UK for starters) — clearly, there’s more to it than just race. The reason why Eng...

A couple popular English phrases you (maybe) didn’t know are actually Chinese

“Long time no see” comes from the Chinese phrase, “好久不見” (hǎo jiǔ bù jiàn) which literally means 好 (good or very) 久 (long, as in length of time) 不 (no) 見 (see). So you get: For a good long time, we haven’t seen each other. Or, to say i...

The Essential English-Spanish Vocabulary Guide: Unlocking Daily Conversations

In the journey of learning a new language, the magic begins with the basics — simple words that form the backbone of daily conversations. Today, let’s dive into a bilingual exploration, focusing on five crucial words that can help bridge the gap between English and Spanish speakers. Whet...

Is “BBQ” Originally English, or Spanish?

BBQ, or barbecue, is a uniquely American cuisine. It consists of the basic idea of meat cooked over an open flame. Of course, the execution is key, as anyone who has had a dry or flavorless BBQ sandwich knows. While barbecue as we know it may be perfected in the South of the United States, this simp...

Morado lyrics — J Balvin | latest spanish song | sunlelyrics | morado english translation

No le gustan principiantes, que sean calle, pero elegante Perreamos hasta que tú y yo no aguante Yo pedí un trago y ella la botella Abusa siempre que estoy con ella ( o yeah ) Hazle caso si no te estrellas Cualquier problema es culpa de ella Yo pedí un trago y ella … Bail...